service branding — Design4Users Fri, 05 May 2023 11:06:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 service branding — Design4Users 32 32 Branding Case Study: Identity Design for Health Application Fri, 05 May 2023 11:06:55 +0000 The new creative story is up: welcome to check another identity design case study by the tubik agency team. In this project, the task for designers was to create a bright brand identity for Uplyfe, the new health app that employs the power of medical science, innovative technologies, and artificial intelligence to help users get […]

Сообщение Branding Case Study: Identity Design for Health Application появились сначала на Design4Users.

The new creative story is up: welcome to check another identity design case study by the tubik agency team. In this project, the task for designers was to create a bright brand identity for Uplyfe, the new health app that employs the power of medical science, innovative technologies, and artificial intelligence to help users get healthier and feel better.


Uplyfe is an AI-powered health app that reacts to your behavior in nutrition and exercise and provides personalized recommendations. The app is designed to help users improve their health, as well as prevent or manage non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Founded by specialists with medical and healthcare backgrounds, the product shares the philosophy that a healthy lifestyle is the best medicine. The product team is based in Switzerland.

Research and Design Approach

Creating a brand image, the design team has to consider all the major ways the brand employs to communicate with its users and customers. Even an excellent logo design may not work effectively if it’s designed in a creative vacuum without a clear understanding of where and how the brand will use it, what environment it will be integrated into, and how it will be distributed. That’s why the first stage of design is all about deep research, asking tons of questions, and building up a great deal of communication between the brand team and the design team. This process is vital as not only do designers get a more comprehensive view, but also, brand holders start looking at their product from different perspectives and asking themselves new questions. You can read more about the design process for branding in one of the earlier articles:  together with the client, we discuss and define ‘the soul’ of a client’s brand. That helps us to create strong branding and identity, ‘the face,’ for products and companies. From the brand model to the design system, we build the identity that translates the product values.

The essential point to take into account about Uplyfe’s brand image was that, in a nutshell, it is not a product solving a narrow circle of specific health problems but a comprehensive eco-system of building a healthy life, adapting its recommendations to users’ goals and performance. What’s more, it’s based on a scientific approach but simple and accessible for the broad target audiences of different ages, from youngsters to the elderly. The app aims at being used by both people with NCDs and healthy people who want to improve their lives. As the team is based in Switzerland and that’s its core market at the moment, the research phase included the analysis of what kind of health services and apps are demanded and popular in this area.

To define the design approach, user personas were developed and analyzed as well as mood boards were created and discussed to determine the compelling visual design perspectives.

Based on that, our team created a complex brand design for Uplyfe.

Brand Graphics


The final logo design is a combination mark made up of a symbol and a typographic part presenting a brand name. The elegant and curvy symbol is balanced by the simple, solid, and highly readable font chosen for the text part. The color palette is based on a combination of pure colors that provide good contrast and work well both in digital and analog spaces.

As for the symbol, it employs a triangular shape. According to the psychology of shapes, a triangle is an energetic and dynamic shape always associated with motion and direction. The lines are placed so that human eyes automatically move to the triangle’s top or in the direction it is placed. An upright triangle brings feelings of stability and balance.

Also, the symbol intentionally doesn’t feature any visual triggers or prompts that are typical for the medical theme. The major goal in identity design for Uplyfe was to step aside direct associations with medical treatment, hospitals, and the like, as the application goes beyond that and is positioned as a helper in supporting a healthy lifestyle in general. What’s more, for many people with NCDs, their states of health are a matter of everyday life, like, for example, those who have diabetes, so the app would rather avoid day-by-day connection to that from the medical perspective and focus on helping users make their life better in those conditions. As well, a part of the target audience consists of people who have no specific health issues but would like to enhance their general physical conditions, so the logo directly connected to the medical theme could create confusion about the nature of the Uplyfe service and lead to losing a part of the audience. Instead of associations with medical treatment, the logo had to transfer the strong message of a bright, healthy, and well-balanced life.


To increase the logo’s flexibility for different visual design goals, the designer developed a set of variations, including a black-and-white version, monochrome variants on light and dark backgrounds, and options with a gradient background based on the corporate palette.


Digital touchpoints: app graphics, favicon, logo animation

But brand design goes much further than well-crafted and tested logo design. Together with the client, we defined the touchpoints and channels via which the brand communicates with its customers to create an appealing and balanced visual style covering them all. This way, the brand image looks and feels consistent, and brand recognizability increases.

First, let’s take a look at how branding was integrated into the digital product. Here’s the logo animation for the splash screen: it gives a clear visual connection with the brand from the first seconds and, at the same time, makes waiting bright and dynamic while the app is loading. Also, below, you can see how the branded app icon looks for the Uplyfe application.

And here’s a glance at the favicon for the app landing page. Favicon, also known as a URL icon or bookmark icon, is a particular type of symbol representing the product or brand in the URL line of the browser and in the bookmark tab. It allows users to get a quick visual connection with it while they are browsing. Although small and not prominent, this interface element is essential for effective web promotion; it contributes much to web usability and good recognizability of the brand’s visual identity.

The concept of the custom branded illustration was also developed to experiment with the general style of brand graphics that could be used for social networks, banners, and other marketing goals.

tubik_Uplyfe_app icon favicon

Going further, the extensive set of neat icons, both in corporate colors and in monochrome versions, was designed to support visual consistency for diverse branding and user experience goals behind the application and its pages in social networks.


Landing page design

One more important channel of app promotion is a landing page. For mobile applications, it is a web page created to set another touchpoint that informs users about the nature and benefits of the app, engages them to try it, and provides shortcuts to downloading it. Moreover, sticking to the brand style and color palette, the landing page strengthens the brand image’s web presence and recognizability.

Here are different design concepts for the landing page of the Uplyfe application.

tubik_Uplyfe_-landing page design

Landing page employing dark background, prominent app demonstration screens, and bright color accents

tubik_Uplyfe landing page design

Landing page design based on light, airy background and big custom illustration in brand style

tubik_Uplyfe landing page design

tubik_Uplyfe landing page design

Landing page design concepts with atmospheric background photo content setting the visual connection with the theme of healthy life. The photo also works as a gaze-directing directional cue: on the slide with yoga, the woman’s fingers direct users’ eyes to the CTA element in the header.

Social networks

Naturally, digital products are mainly promoted via digital channels of communication, so the next step of brand design for Uplyfe was considering its consistent identity in social networks.

Here’s how the Facebook page for the app looked. The concept features custom header images based on graphics combining abstract shapes and recognizable objects like a microscope, providing a quick visual connection with the brand style, the theme, and the goals of the service. Also, another illustration is shown as an example of theme graphics for posts.

tubik_Uplyfe social page design

Here’s how the same approach is adjusted for the Twitter page.

tubik_Uplyfe social media page design

And here’s a look at the brand image concept on Instagram and Facebook for mobile. The system of icons works effectively as the covers for Instagram highlights. Also, the general style of brand graphics for Instagram posts is offered to make them consistent, attractive, and recognizable, sharing the brand mission and valuable information for the followers.

tubik_Uplyfe social media page design

Printed stuff: business cards, posters, lightboxes, billboards

Talking about the more tangible side of branding, here’s how the business card design looked.


What’s more, the style, curvature, and shapes used in the process of design exploration for icons let the designer develop the design system for brand posters and other stuff or merch that could be involved in marketing.

tubik_Uplyfe brand poster design

Another direction to take into account was the design of outdoor advertising to spread the word about the application in various urban spaces, such as billboards with motivational taglines or lightbox ads informing about the app’s benefits.

tubik_Uplyfe_billboard design

tubik_Uplyfe_billboard design

tubik_Uplyfe_billboard design

This project demonstrates how the comprehensive design approach covers different aspects of the ways the brand uses to connect with its customers and how much more should be done to develop an attractive and informative brand identity than just logo design.

New design case studies are coming soon; keep up with the updates.

More Design Case Studies

Here’s a set of more case studies sharing the design solutions and approaches for some of the design projects done by the tubik team.

FarmSense. Brand Identity and Website Design for Agricultural Technology

Synthesized. Website Design for DataOps Platform

ProAgenda. Identity and Website Design for Golf Management Service

BlockStock. Brand Identity and Website for Minecraft Models Resource

Carricare. Identity and UX Design for Safe Delivery Service

ShipDaddy. Identity and Web Design for Shipping Service

Illuminating Radioactivity. Interactive Web Design for Education

Lumen. Website for Museum of Mountain Photography

GNO Blankets. Branding and Web Design for Ecommerce

Designer AI. Dashboard and Graphics for Fashion Service

Shpin’s Wine. Identity Design for Family-Run Winery


Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Branding Case Study: Identity Design for Health Application появились сначала на Design4Users.

Case Study: Brand Identity and UX Design for Safe Delivery Service Mon, 14 Nov 2022 08:52:10 +0000 For the last decade or so, we’ve witnessed the rocketing rise of demand for diverse delivery services, getting even more popular in the world of online shopping. In this case study from the tubik agency design team, we will unveil the story of our collaboration with one of them: welcome to check the creative process […]

Сообщение Case Study: Brand Identity and UX Design for Safe Delivery Service появились сначала на Design4Users.


For the last decade or so, we’ve witnessed the rocketing rise of demand for diverse delivery services, getting even more popular in the world of online shopping. In this case study from the tubik agency design team, we will unveil the story of our collaboration with one of them: welcome to check the creative process of identity design and mobile application for Carricare, the service that helps customers get their parcels delivered safely and in perfect time.

Client and Project

Carricare is a service based in the UK; its objective is to effectively connect couriers and customers expecting the order to set perfect conditions and timing for delivery. It is an instant and real-time notification platform for delivery couriers that helps clients with last-minute delivery notifications, allowing them to manage their time better. Therefore, it aims at solving a fundamental problem of courier delivery, when the parcels aren’t safe if brought at the wrong time and left just at the door – or leading the courier’s coming up with the idea of what to do. Automating different user scenarios, the service makes the delivery process smooth and effective for both the courier and the addressee.

The task for the tubik team was to build a strong identity that reflects brand values as well as helps it get recognized easily and communicate with customers in a friendly manner. Also, we worked on developing a solid user experience for the mobile application to make it work in consistency with branding.


The first stage of brand design was all about absorbing, sharing, and analyzing various information. We dived into discussions about the client’s goals, visions, and brand value, as well as researched the market segment to develop a solid brand approach before the actual design of its identity started.

The service mainly focused on two critical aspects appreciated by target users: the safety of all sides of a delivery case – couriers, clients, and the delivered parcels – and the high convenience of taking them for the addressees. That’s how the brand name, Carricare, was up, combining two major concepts – carry and care – and echoing the idea out into the tagline: we carry and we care about your parcel, your time, and your convenience.

In the research process, the graphic designer emerged into the topic of visual elements that support the delivery process in the United Kingdom, from history to the modern state. The mood board of diverse stamps and icons transferring important messages, like the parcel’s fragility or the need to protect it from wet conditions, inspired the general approach to branding, echoing these well-recognized meanings and adding new ones to the set.

Another key aspect to consider was brand colors choice. In this case, the brand uses a bold and contrasting combination of colors, all well-grounded by the service essence: primary colors are blue and red that echo the UK flag colors, while the additional color is cardboard color setting the apparent association with packaging and boxes used for parcels.

So, logo design presents a combination mark flexible for plenty of practical goals. The bold typographic part is supported with a set of informational graphics reflecting the parcel delivery theme:

  • parcel symbol
  • fragility symbol
  • water protection symbol
  • parcel in hands symbol, transferring the ideas of courier delivery and care for the parcel
  • line waves adding association to the typical postal stamps
  • the heart symbolizing care and using the color contrasting to the rest of the graphic elements.

Here you can take a look at the ideas of different logo options and elements’ placement to cover various brand identity goals.


To make the logo work in an even more dynamic way in the digital environment, we’ve also made the animated logo version.

Here’s how the logo works on the branded boxes. Take a look at how QR code presenting the primary interactive element is integrated into the wavy pattern.

carricare packaging design

And these are the stickers, another key element developed for the courier and addressee interaction.

carricare stickers

In addition, to satisfy the need for custom graphics, a special consistent system of icons was developed to link together branding and app design, also echoing the branded color palette and reflecting a variety of user scenarios that may arise.

Another task for the creative team was to think over a variety of graphic assets for marketing goals and outdoor advertising, such as posters, billboards, city lightboxes, etc.

carricare poster design branding

posters design carricare

Posters design

carricare billboard

Billboard design

citylight carricare design

City light box design

Intending to strengthen online marketing and amplify brand recognizability, we’ve also worked on the general stylistic concept as well as the set of design templates and ideas for social media posting and advertising that would consistently reflect the identity.


social design carricare

carricare social design

So, this stage of the design process resulted in an eye-pleasing system of identity elements combining aesthetics and practicality, both essential for the service brand image.

carricare identity design case study

UX Design

The mobile application was designed to meet the needs of two different categories of users: the courier and the recipient. The app offered several scenarios of delivery flow and was based on the delivery process improvement as a core feature: it aimed at providing successful parcel deliveries even when the recipient is away. Approved couriers scan the QR code, and the recipients get a notification and choose if they just open the door and get it when they are home, get the parcel back to the depot, leave it with a neighbor, or ask the courier to leave it in a safe place.

The user interface of the mobile application is nice and clean in the best traditions: minimalist and highly functional layout, readable typography, light airy background, and bright color accents make the app intuitive and easy to use on the go and for users of different ages. Custom illustrations help to not only enhance the messages but also add aesthetic and emotional appeal to the interface as well as keep close bonds with the rest of the branded items.

app ui design carricare

carricare design branding UX

One more significant detail to consider was the app icon design that would be noticeable and digitally friendly, contributing its two cents to the general brand style of the service.

carricare app icon

Working on the Carricare project, our team has got another great experience of connecting the physical and digital worlds employing beautiful and functional design.

carricare identity design logo

New design case studies from our team are coming soon. Stay tuned!

More Design Case Studies

Here’s a set of more case studies sharing the design solutions and approaches for some of the design projects done by the tubik team.

Kaiten. Identity and Product Design for Food Marketplace

Glup. Delivery App Branding and UX Design

THT. Website Design for Electrical Engineering Service

Komuso. Website Design for Wellness Tool

PointZero25. Identity and Website Design for Event Agency

Roebuck. Mobile Design and Illustrations for Educational App

Nonconventional Show. Website Design for Podcast

uMake. Branding and Website for 3D Design Tool

BEGG. Brand Packaging and Web Design for Food Product Ecommerce

Crezco. Brand Identity and UI/UX Design for Fintech Service

FarmSense. Identity and Web Design for Agricultural Technology

OOP. Brand Identity Design for Online Flea Market

Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Case Study: Brand Identity and UX Design for Safe Delivery Service появились сначала на Design4Users.

Case Study: Identity Design for Food Delivery Service Thu, 18 Feb 2021 13:55:26 +0000 In a busy world and with the growing popularity of online shopping, delivery services are a great help. Today we invite you to have a glance at the brand design for a food delivery service: it’s a story of contrasts and functional art, consistency in identity design, and creative visual storytelling. The project was assigned […]

Сообщение Case Study: Identity Design for Food Delivery Service появились сначала на Design4Users.

In a busy world and with the growing popularity of online shopping, delivery services are a great help. Today we invite you to have a glance at the brand design for a food delivery service: it’s a story of contrasts and functional art, consistency in identity design, and creative visual storytelling. The project was assigned to Tubik designers Vlad Radionov and Yaroslava Yatsuba.

delivery service brand illustration tubik


Quisine is an innovative service that delivers food from different national cuisines. It’s easy to use; it offers a diversity of meals typical for different countries; it provides quick delivery and adds innovations to all the customer journey from making an order to receiving a meal. That’s what the brand image was based on. The company name presents a compilation of two aspects: quick cuisine.

Logo Design

The process of visual branding creation started with logo design. Having analyzed the target audience and having done the market research, the designer started developing variants in different types of logos: wordmarks, lettermarks, combination marks, and symbols. The important factor to consider was the high readability of the logo as it was aimed at using on various platforms, devices, quite often on the go, so it had to be legible at once.

Also, it’s worth mentioning that the decision upon the corporate colors was made at this stage: two contrast colors were chosen for brand presentation, yellow and black.


Above, you can see some of the variants developed in this process:

  1. The combination mark made of the brand name written in black all in lowercase letters and a lettermark  of the capital Q in yellow
  2. The combination mark made of the brand name written in black in title case letters and a lettermark  of the capital Q in yellow
  3. The wordmark of a brand name in lowercase in composition with a yellow square shape
  4. The combination mark made of the brand name written in black all in lowercase letters and a symbol, an outline image of a bird’s head.

What’s more, the variants feature different typographic solutions for a brand sign: three options use different serif fonts and one of them uses the sans-serif font.

Testing these and other variants, the designer got more and more confident that the best approach to the logo design, in this case, is the classic wordmark wrapped in an elegant font and featured all in lowercase letters to set the friendly tone of communication with a client instantly. The choice of the font was made in favor of serif, to share the vibes of high-quality meals and fine dining.


The designer offered the color combinations within the chosen color palette to give the logo a higher level of flexibility in both web and offline marketing campaigns.

quisine logo design


To make the brand catchy and memorable, original mascot characters were designed to feature connections with the main role models participating in the service. For example, a funny bird represents the chef, a dog looks like a courier always in a hurry to deliver the meals, and a bit futuristic rabbit may remind you of a manager having her hands full to accept all the orders.




Visual Consistency

The branding and promotion strategy of the service has to take into account both digital and physical communication with the user. The visual consistency is reached with several key elements: logo, colors, illustrations, and typography. From packaging design and uniforms to vehicle livery, website and social networks, all the channels of communication with the buyer look belonging to one system and grow brand awareness.

quisine packaging-design

Packaging design options


Branded T-shirt


Vehicle livery design


Website home page

Website Design

The user interface design of the website is based on simplicity. It’s full of air and uses a limited color palette that supports quick connection to the brand and helps visitors to avoid distraction and make the web pages scanned easily due to contrast colors and readable fonts. The original illustrations support a positive user experience with the power of storytelling and give the layout original and trendy looks. Prominent CTA elements are seen instantly to focus users’ attention on the core interactive zones.

food delivery service website

More Design Case Studies

Dicey. Mascot Design for Party Game

MYWONY. Brand Intro Cartoon Design for the Wedding Dresses Brand

Logo Design: Creative Logos for a Variety of Brands

Tasty Burger. Mobile App for Ordering Burgers

Florence App. Illustrations for Healthcare Service

Inspora. Brand and UI Design for Virtual Stylist

AppShack. Logo Design for a Digital Agency

LunnScape. Identity Design for a Landscape Company

Binned. Brand Identity Design for Cleaning Service

Reborn. Identity Design for a Restaurant

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение Case Study: Identity Design for Food Delivery Service появились сначала на Design4Users.

Design Case Study: Corporate Branding for Landscape Firm Tue, 21 Feb 2017 13:34:40 +0000 New practical design case study on branding with the stages of logo design and building up the strong corporate identity for the landscape care company Andre.

Сообщение Design Case Study: Corporate Branding for Landscape Firm появились сначала на Design4Users.

Branding is never about just visual perception or verbal message. Branding is about the whole image people get hearing the name of a company or seeing its brand identity signs. So, designing the signs and symbols which make a brand recognizable and transferring the appropriate message is a job with great responsibility. Still, there is one more stage of the process when this sort of responsibility gets another shade. It happens at the point of branding redesign.

We have already published case studies with the stories of creating logos and brand identity concepts at the early stages of their business path. However, this time the story will have another flavor as we are presenting you the case of logo redesign for a company that is already recognized and actively operating on the market. The task for Tubik team was to create the new brand identity not breaking already gained links and associations.



Redesign of a logo and creating the corporate identity for a commercial and holistic landscape firm Andre operating in landscape maintenance, tree care and design.


First of all, it was important for the designer to study the conditions and philosophy of existing logo functionality, details about company activities and business goals and customer’s wishes about the redesign process. It should be mentioned that redesign for existing companies and products can have different levels of breakaway from the existing versions: some companies decide upon fully new design which has nothing in common with the current branding, while others keep the track of changes carefully and gradually, with minor alterations eliminating the risk of losing recognizability on the market.

The second approach was taken as a basis for this particular story because Andre is a company that has already won its audience on the market. That means any design change should be done with respect to the company’s history and philosophy as well as brand image grown through the years. Therefore, new design had to take its roots from the existing branding, but offer some refreshment and add some trend.


Certainly, to find the sign representing the brand, the designer needs to know as much as possible about the brand, its business goals and statement. Andre is a medium-sized company based in the USA and providing all sorts of services linked to landscape care and design of any complexity. The company is family-owned so its name origins from the last name of the family. The customers wanted a new logo to be quite classic, memorable, enduring and setting the strong association with land care. So, it was important initially to provide the visual sign that will instantly inform observers about the nature of the business and create positive vibes via the harmonic combination of shapes and colors.

After the market research and getting deep into the requirements and background of the company, the designer worked over the first series of sketches and offered the first version for the redesign. It was based on the round shape and featured green leaves as the central element of the composition. The designer also selected the corresponding version for the name lettering so that it looked readable and harmonic in combination with the image, supporting it but not overloading general visual presentation. The combination of several shades of green with light-blue set the image connected to key concepts of business activities: nature, landscape, plants, trees, sky. The designer applied smooth and rounded lines of different stroke weight and provided the variants filled with color as well as glyph one.


Another concept offered more linear and geometric variant also featuring the leaf motif and using a shape inside reflecting the form of capital A letter.


Although the offered style was appropriate, the customers insisted on applying the mascot in the logo image. The choice was made in favor of a bird and the designer offered the graphic option featuring the bird as a logo image. It also was applying the form of the leaf in the image used separately, but in combination with lettering, the leaf was placed closer to the letters.


One variant of a logo featuring the bird mascot used the image with the shorter beak and an eye featuring the mimic expression of the smile.


The idea of “smiling” positive expression was also tried in the variant in which the bird was inscribed into the circle. The beak directed upwards moved out of the circle setting the feeling of progressive flight, while the wing featured the form and visual marks of the leaf.


The general concept of applying the bird in the logo was set and agreed upon, but the customer and the designer decided on trying another iteration experimenting on simplification of the bird’s silhouette to make the logo not only attractive and meaningful but also clearly visible and legible in any size. This stage of creative search resulted in a new shape combining the visual concept of a bird and of a leaf in one image.


The final choice was made in this direction, which efficiently presented the mascot in clear simple forms, preserved color combination associated with the nature of the offered services and vibes of green and natural background.



Now let’s continue this story to unveil the further process of applying the logo and chosen the stylistic approach for the set of branded items presenting general corporate identity of the brand.


On the basis of this stylistic approach, the designer developed several variations applying the same color palette, typography, mascot and general visual perception for building the consistent and harmonic corporate style presented via different visual details on branded items. For all of them, three core visual elements supported the consistency of performance: the mascot showing the cute hummingbird, green leaves instantly associated with trees and plants and the lettering showing the brand name of the company.

Business Card

The first item to get into the set was a business card. No wonder: in the modern world, the business cards is not a sort of fashion, but a must-have for serious branding and business communication, especially in the domain of services. It is the real sign of respect to the customer. So, it should be not only informative but also stylish and easily readable. The designer provided two options of placement, horizontal and vertical, to set higher level of flexibility for possible goals and wishes that company can have in the future.



Vehicle branding

The next object of design exploration was branding for corporate vehicles. The company uses several options of vehicles which regularly do considerable business routes, therefore, neglecting such an effective advertising carrier would be unreasonable. So, the designer worked over the variants of harmonic placement of catchy and stylish branding elements for different models of vehicles.




Light background provided effective combination with the green palette of identity design presentation and set the high level of visibility and readability, important for this method of advertising.



One more direction of corporate branding for Andre company had to deal with correspondence, both physical and digital. In this field, letterhead and envelope were created for physical letters and also the special template featuring branding signs was designed for corporate emails.




Banner Design for indoor trade show

No secret that branding is not only about the logo and brand name but also the general style of visual components dealing with the brand, such as photos for websites and blog posts, banners of all kinds, posters and so on. One of the design tasks was to create the banner for an indoor trade show. For it, the designer created unique hand-made letting for the slogan copy to add originality for general visual perception and setting the strong emotional associations with a brand.

Design Case Study Corporate Branding for Landscape Firm.

Jar design

Another object of design was a jar for candies or other stuff of this sort. The concept below shows the monochrome design with high level of readability which could efficiently work for the objects of this kind.




One more task for the designer was certainly connected with corporate T-shirts which could be effectively used as another nice and natural carrier of information enhancing brand recognizability and awareness. Again, the designer chose the light background as the basis of providing the airy and universal solution to the fast and clear presentation of the logo. Still, other variants featuring different color combinations and visual elements placement were offered to the set so that they could be used for a variety of purposes in advertising campaigns and everyday brand presentation.



On the basis of all the design solutions, the clients got the brand guidelines setting all the details of designed solutions as well as wrong variants of using the logo that could harm the perception of the brand image.

This case of a comprehensive design of corporate identity has become another proof that user research, market research, thorough attention to the customer’s requirements, and inspired creative search together make a great basis for efficient, informative, and attractive branding.

If you want to know more about creative stages of the design process for logos, welcome to read our free e-book Logo Design.

More Branding Design Case Studies

Quisine. Branding Design for Food Delivery Service

Logo Design: Collection of Creative Logos for a Variety of Brands

Dicey. Logo and Mascot Design for Party Game

MYWONY. Storytelling with Brand Intro Design

Inspora. Brand and UI Design for Virtual Stylist

AppShack. Logo Design for a Digital Agency

LunnScape. Identity Design for a Landscape Company

Binned. Brand Identity Design for Cleaning Service

Reborn. Identity Design for a Restaurant

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение Design Case Study: Corporate Branding for Landscape Firm появились сначала на Design4Users.

Design Case Study: Ribbet. Logo for Online Editor Thu, 19 May 2016 14:33:32 +0000 Case study on logo design. Designing logo and branding elements for the online photo editor Ribbet by Tubik Studio. From sketches to final lettering and image.

Сообщение Design Case Study: Ribbet. Logo for Online Editor появились сначала на Design4Users.

You could already read our previous case study, in which we told about UX/UI design for the Echo project. This time we are going to show the other case of design: issues and peculiarities of the design process of logo creation.

Being a symbolic sign, logo is one of the most important parts of a company or project identity. It should combine lots of magic ingredient of success: pure and distinctive shapes and colors as well as the overall image being both original and meaningful. A designer assigned to create the logo gets a very responsible job and has to get through lots of ideas and updates before the creation of the final version satisfying the customer.

The designer for Tubik Studio Arthur Avakyan is already experienced in such things so he always considers lots of those issues and he did the same working on the logo for Ribbet project


Pencil sketching, markers, Adobe Illustrator


Designing the logo for the online photo editor with a wide set of tools.


The designer started working out the idea of lettering compositions that could be used for logo style.

Logo sketches by Tubik Studio

First sketch variants of new lettering

Logo processed with Illustrator

Lettering processed in Adobe Illustrator

However, the customer wanted to use the visual elements that would be associated with the mascot of the company. The word used as the name of the company — Ribbet — is one of the variants to express the sound made by a frog or a toad, so the image of a frog has been originally the mascot of the company. They wanted to preserve it in the logo in order to create the consistency with other visual elements of branding as well as the name of the company. Having analyzed the experience of the other competitors on the market, they came to the conclusion that it would work efficiently and would create better web-presence. Being widely functional, the service lacked in the style which would distinguish it from the competitors. So, it was agreed to create the variants combining lettering with the visual elements reflecting the mascot.

It should be said that the logo was created in tight and deep connection with the whole concept of the Ribbet site design. Tubik Studio has been working with this customer on the general design of the site and that was the reason why the company decided on creating the logo which would correspond with the general conception. By the way, that was a very efficient decision as the designer creating the logo was able to work together with designers developing overall redesign of the site at all the stages of the project. Very soon the users will see an absolutely new version of the Ribbet site style.

Originally the company didn’t have a visualized logo using any image — they used only a lettering composition reflecting the name of the site. So, the task was to create a unique logo which company could use in all its products and social networks profiles.

Therefore, as the online graphic editor already had the general style of the site developed and it included mostly dark colors and shades with some blue color accents and was quite strict, elegant and serious, the concept of the logo had to correspond to it. The website was totally redesigned and the lettering used for logo needed fully new concept too.

Trying to get away from the previous idea, the author offered a neat geometric originally made lettering composition.

Logo on the site


Trying new versions of lettering in the redesigned style of the site

When the customer asked to develop the idea of the visual element showing the mascot, the first variants of visualizing the frog were based on the image of a frog’s pad, but they didn’t seem really clear to make necessary associations with a frog in different sizes, so the designer decided to try other variants.

Tubik Studio Ribbet logo

The variant of visualizing the mascot with the image of a frog’s pad

All first versions were created by means of traditional pencil sketching aiming to keep elegant and serious stylistic features. At the same time, the designer worked on the other version of lettering, more gentle and rounded than the previous.

Pencil sketches for logo

First sketches visualizing the company mascot for the logo

Logo with lettering pencil


lettering for logo

The combination of new visual elements with the new style of lettering

The collaboration with the customer was kept first of all through revision of the sketches and afterward if those sketches had been approved, they were processed in Adobe Illustrator.

The first version of the frog seemed to be a bit complicated for the customer so they asked to simplify it by eliminating some details and making the image clearly perceived. There was created the variant with the half-head of a frog, which was not clearly associated with the frog so it wasn’t accepted.

Logo frog head

The simplified version of a half-head frog image

Logo and lettering

Combinations and versions of lettering and images of a frog with different details and shaping

The customer asked to add a little fun and joy to the image so that they could see if the character will work. Taking this into account and meeting the customer’s wish, the author added some details, trying to play out a smiling mouth.

Logo with lettering

The emotionally marked character of the mascot in combination with various lettering styles

The version was rather stylish; however, it didn’t match with the whole stylistics of the site, so this variant was put aside on the agreement of both the customer and the designer. The task became more distinct: to create a more natural image of the frog adding some details, as the practice showed that oversimplified version could confuse a user and prevent the customers from achieving their aims.

The customer selected and showed the samples of real logos which they liked and thought appropriate in the perspective of brand identification. Those samples showed that the main accent should be still put on lettering. After creating and reviewing numerous variants of lettering the customer and the designer agreed on one as the best version.

Lettering for logo


Logo lettering

Working out sophisticated lettering versions

Then there was a long and thorough process of specifying the details to the approved version, such as lengthening/shortening or moving some strokes and elements. There were tons of tiny but really numerous corrections and alterations in order to get the most harmonic version. It is natural as the logo was based at purely original and uniquely created lettering. At last, the final version was agreed upon.

Logo processing

Logo lettering



Logo final lettering

Thorough work on details in the final version of lettering

Nevertheless, the designer didn’t forget about the customer’s desire to visualize the frog as the mascot of the site. So, the designers of Tubik Studio got together at brainstorming session and developed the idea of using previous images of a frog and animating them in a functional feature of preloader.

Tubik Studio designers

Brainstorming session in Tubik Studio

Preloader image

The final image of a frog animated for a preloader on the site

In addition, there was created a simple and rounded variant of a frog image which could be used together with the lettering or independently.

Frog logo image

Frog images for logo

New versions of visualizing the mascot for logo

Logo with lettering

Various combinations of lettering with the image of the mascot

So, it can be seen, that the designer has made great efforts to meet all the needs and wishes of the customer, that is why his work was highly appreciated by the customer. In a while, all the work on the website redesign by Tubik Studio together with the new logo will be presented to the users of the Ribbet service.

Logo final version

The final version of Ribbet logo

This case has become one more example showing how many attempts should typically be made in the process of logo creation. The designer has to do his best and be always ready to listen carefully to the customer. In addition, it is vital to be ready for research and deep analysis of existing products in the sphere in order to create original and highly competitive product satisfying customers, increasing brand identity and attracting users.

Originally written for Tubik Blog

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