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Сообщение Product Page Design: Best Practices on UX for Ecommerce появились сначала на Design4Users.

In e-commerce, the measurement of success is not the number of website visitors or clicks. It’s the number of finalized purchases. From that perspective, a product page is crucial as it is usually the spot where most decision-making on “to buy or not to buy” happens. So, when designing or improving an e-commerce website or application, UX designers have to think it over and test it up to the slightest detail. That’s what today’s article is about: let’s discuss what a product page is and how to design it effectively. Packed with plenty of examples from both known e-commerce websites and creative design concepts for niche or specific business goals.

ecommerce product page design tubik blog

What Is Product Page

The product page is a page of the e-commerce website that provides a customer with all the needed information about the particular item, allows them to check various options if they exist, and enables a customer to quickly proceed with the purchase process if they decide upon buying the item.

Unlike a real point-of-sale, an e-commerce website doesn’t provide physical contact with an item or assistance from shop staff. Product page becomes the major source of attraction, impression, information, and persuasion. That’s why its design, navigability, and usability play a crucial role in growing sales.

As we mentioned in our guide to the basic web pages, a badly designed product page may waste all the effort (usually massive and complex) taken to bring the buyer to the website and to this particular product. So, besides the attractive product presentation, focus on functionality, clarity, readability, and intuitive navigation.


Product page concept for a gardening e-commerce website

Typical Elements of Product Page

Basically, a product page:

  • shows the image of the product
  • gives all the needed information about the product
  • allows users to check different color/model options (if any)
  • enables visitors to see the reviews, comments, and ratings from earlier buyers
  • allows for adding the product to the cart or wish list
  • shows other relevant options.

Additionally, the product page may include such options as a comparison of different items, especially popular on websites selling different devices and appliances.

Product page interactions for Bennett, a tea brand e-commerce

Based on that, here’s a checklist of basic elements of the product page layout:

  • name/title of the item
  • photo
  • price
  • item availability
  • add to cart/add to bag/add to basket/buy button
  • add to favorites/save to wishlist button
  • description
  • social proof: rating, reviews, the number of previous buyers, the number of people looking at the item now, etc.
  • choice of color
  • choice of model
  • choice of the number of items to buy
  • size guide or calculator (for clothes and footwear)
  • extended details (materials, technical specifications, dimensions, weight, special features, etc.)

The list above doesn’t mean that all the points are obligatory for any product page. The choice will depend on analyzing multiple factors, understanding the target audience, and careful prioritization to see which points to include and which may be eliminated from the list for this particular type of goods or kind of customer.

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Product page first-screen view on Walmart

Design Practices for Product Pages

Visual Demonstration

Ecommerce platforms are the best place to prove the saying that the picture is worth a thousand words. Not able to contact the item physically, visitors will count on the visuals of the product to make their first impression about the goods. What’s more, images are noticed and decoded faster than words; they will be the first element attracting the visitor’s attention. They present the part of the content which is both informative and emotionally appealing.

That’s why many e-commerce platforms:

  • use a set of images to present one item from different points and angles
  • apply zoom functionality to enable a visitor to look at some parts of the photo closer, see the textures and small details
  • combine the photos of the item with photos of it on a model or in the proper environment to give a better understanding of its looks and sizes

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Product page first-screen view on Marks and Spencer: a combination of several photos shows the item separately and on the model

The approaches to photo content can be different and depend on both general brand strategy and particular campaign or collection style. However, what unites them all is:

  • originality: special shootings are organized to make custom photos that correspond to the style defined in a brand book or specific campaign guidelines
  • high-quality: no doubt, the quality of photos directly influences the impression about the particular item and the brand in general
  • optimization for the web: being quality, photos shouldn’t be too big as it can dramatically influence the loading time, which in turn has a great impact on SEO; also, pages loading slowly are the solid reason for high bounce rate – unless the website offers something absolutely unique and super exclusive, people will just go away instead of waiting.

Product page for the niche brand of underwear, using photo demonstration on model

Except for images, other media, more complex or interactive, can also be used. Among them, you can now find:

  • product videos, detailed video reviews, and instructions
  • 360-degree view of the item
  • augmented reality technologies helping people to observe the item in their own environment or try it on virtually


The product page of GNO Blankets website uses video demonstration and graphics with detailed demonstration of product layers.

Obviously, these types of media are often more complicated, time-consuming, and expensive in production than photos. So, the decision on their worthwhileness is usually based on the type and price of the offered item. For example, to sell a 5-dollar T-shirt, photos may be enough, but for buying a massively more expensive fridge, smartphone, computer, or even a car, customers need more convincing in the decision-making way. And in this case, expenses on the more complex but more impressive, persuasive, and informative visuals and media could be a worthy investment.

A creative product page concept for a website selling niche accessories applies special realistic effects to the functionality of a model choice.

The pet shop website uses video demonstrations of the items as a convincing way to see how the product works in the environment and sets the needed emotional connection.

Informative but Simple Description

The saying that people don’t read anymore has nothing in common with the product page: when customers are deciding upon spending their money, they do read what they need to know about the product they are going to buy. Still, it’s not the reason to overload the description, as the attention span is quite limited. The description text should be concise, factual, simple, and talking in the language of the audience. It should answer the basic questions: what the product is, what it looks like, what it does, and how it does it. And better to do it from the first lines, which have the highest chances to be read, instead of filling them with standard marketing hooks shoppers are already sick and tired of.

Another rule of thumb here is connected to the previous point: show, don’t tell. Well, it’s better to say, tell, but also show! Don’t just describe in detail how the bag looks inside – show the photo. Don’t just tell how beautifully this neckerchief matches that jacket – show the photo. Don’t just mention the size of a toy – show the child playing it. Combine the power of words with proper images to make the experience much more effective.

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Product page first-screen view on Uniqlo: the page features a concise and informative description of the item and puts the details on materials and care in another tab, both in the pre-scroll area of the page. Another good thing is a clear definition of model size on the photo, allowing the customers to instantly understand the proportions.

The product page for the cosmetics website uncovers the information about the product gradually, with the core data above the fold, supporting the prominent item visualization; the split-screen approach helps to divide visual and text zones to make them easily scanned.

Super Obvious Call to Action

Calls to action (CTA) should be instantly noticeable. In e-commerce interfaces, CTA elements are the core factor of effective interaction with the product; they play a crucial role in usability and navigability and, therefore, in getting profits. When all the path of interaction and transitions is built clearly for users, but the CTA element is not obvious, misplaced, or designed badly, the risk gets higher that users will get confused and need to make an additional effort to achieve their goals – which is annoying. Therefore, the risk of poor conversion rates and bad user experience grows.

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ASOS product page first screen: the CTA button differs from everything else on the page due to color contrast and is instantly noticed in the light, airy layout.

Focus on the Item

No doubt, thinking about the layout and content of the product page, both stakeholders and designers feel the urge to fill it with everything possible, and even more, to make the page super informative. However, be careful as this strategy may do a dirty trick: in that flood of information, the focus gets blurred, and visitors can get too distracted to make a decision. How to find the balance?

On the one hand, it’s recommended not to overload the page with a great deal of information that will overwhelm customers and distract their attention from the major goal – to make the purchase. On the other hand, visitors aren’t ready to jump from one page to another to get different information about the item they are interested in. Therefore, the designer has to take the time for thorough research on the issue, prioritize carefully, and find the balance of data that needs to be provided on the product page.

Is there a golden rule for all e-commerce websites? No way, as different customers and markets have different needs, and the type of the product also influences the choice of core and secondary information to show. The analysis of the target audience and user testing can give clues on what information is required for the specific categories of items or services.

Creative product page design for a niche perfume website focuses on item presentation amplified with an atmospheric video background and special effects.

The more pricey, uncommon, or innovative the product, the more information the customers usually want to get about it. And even for common stuff, there may be tons of questions and hesitations. Sure, all the needed information should be accessible from the product page, and the challenge for UX designers here is to find a way to organize it properly. Technical details, materials, weight and size, size chart or calculator for clothing and footwear, functionality for comparing the item with a similar one, and so on and so forth – any of those details can play the premier violin in a story of a particular item.

Use the principle of the inverted pyramid and uncover information gradually, from the most important and demanded shown first to more and more specific details unveiled further.

Instead of creating intrigue, be open, direct, and clean in content presentation.

Try to put all core information in highly readable form on the above-the-fold part of the page.

And test, test, test again, analyze the time on the page, heatmaps, and clicks, ask and analyze to know what buyers really need and what makes shopping convenient for them.

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The product page on Amazon is based on the principle of the inverted pyramid: this above-the-fold view shows the core information and functionality buyers want and need to know about this type of product first of all. Engaging social proof is marked by the label of #1 New Release and shows what other products are often bought together with this one.


The second screen uncovers more about the actions of other customers interested in this theme: two sections, visually attractive due to the focus on product images, uncover other items customers view or buy.


And only after that, when scrolling further, users can find extended information, editorial reviews, etc., based on text without visuals.

Intuitive Navigation

Every button, link, and card design can change the conversion rate significantly. It’s vital always to remember: in the intense competition we observe in e-commerce now, buyers aren’t ready to wait or waste their time on unnecessary operations or efforts to understand where’s what they need. What they do demand from e-commerce is an experience that is faster, easier, and more convenient compared to going to the actual store. If this website doesn’t give it to them, they will look for it somewhere else.

So, adding to obvious CTA, make sure that users can effortlessly do common steps, for example:

  • find search field
  • use breadcrumbs helping to quickly understand the current position in the website hierarchy and probably take a step or two back instead of just going away
  • be totally sure which elements on the page are clickable
  • see if the item is already in the cart
  • see the number of items in the shopping cart or bag (usually in the website header)
  • use the power of visual dividers and common directional cues to perceive the information faster
  • find the contact information and navigation links in the website footer

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Product page first-screen view on Target: multiple photos of the item, both clean and integrated into the environment, clear and instantly noticeable controls for choice of color, the obvious search field in the header, breadcrumbs creating the secondary navigation level, social proof in the form of ratings and questions, and clear call-to-action element.


Consistency means that the product communicates with the user in the same or similar way, whatever point or channel of communication. In terms of user experience, it means that similar elements look and function similarly, this way reducing the cognitive load and making interactions smoother and more intuitive.

In e-commerce interface, it touches both:

Internal consistency is about different parts of your interface or brand that look and behave as one clear system. For example, when you make all the CTA buttons on different pages or screens of your product colored and designed the same way, visitors can learn fast and will be able to quickly distinguish them at any step of their user journey.

External consistency is about parts of your interface that look and behave as typical patterns for most products of this kind. That’s, for example, when you use a shopping cart even on the website selling non-tangible products or underline the text links to give users a hint that they are clickable.

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Sephora product page first-screen view: expected navigation in the website header, easily recognizable for e-commerce shoppers, super obvious call-to-action button, arrows used as the clearest directional cues for most users around the web, focus on the item presented in different visuals and highlights important and influencing decision-making for the target audience.

Power of Known Patterns

Adding to the previous point, UX designers would better never underestimate the power of habit. In UI for e-commerce, especially in the red-ocean spheres, the primary goal is not to shock and awe. Basically, UX designers become a friend or at least supportive shop assistant who greets visitor, guides them around the store, takes a right to the items they want, and make the checkout as fast and simple as possible. To make that all possible, designers should base their decisions on how actual customers behave.

There are many articles and videos calling creative people to hear their hearts, trust their guts, and think out of the box. However, design is not just pure creativity striving to show all the power of original solutions. First of all, it’s a way to solve the problem and make users happier. So, it’s vital to look at the interface from the user’s perspective and find a way to make interactions that will provide a smooth and easy way to purchase.

The power of habit plays a big role in the products of this kind. Choosing a layout, menus, or icons that stand too far from the ones users are generally accustomed to often brings confusion and frustration. For a simple example, the usage of any other image instead of a magnifying glass to mark the search field can result in a bad user experience as buyers know that visual symbol and will look for it. If you are ready for such experiments, take time to test them well and ensure that customers are ready for them, too.

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H&M product page design is based on a minimalist approach: the first-screen view is designed around prominent images, model choice options, elegant and readable basics (product title, color name, and price), a heart icon as a well-recognized visual trigger of adding the item to favorites and a noticeable CTA button. Even the size options are hidden in the dropdown menu to put the number of controls to a minimum and focus all the attention on the visuals. Sure, it means additional clicks and scrolling; however, the approach may be reasonable and effective if the customers are used to this flow and appreciate this particular style, consistently reflecting the brand image in general.

In the article on home page design strategies, we mentioned that the website is made not for creative contests or galleries of fame but for real users. The positive impact of habit in terms of user experience can be stronger than the wish for revolution. No doubt, the dose of uniqueness is needed, but not so much to knock down the user. In e-commerce UI design, often aimed at quite a diverse target audience, too much of a revolution might scare and provoke hesitations: do I really need to buy this thing, a user may think, if it’s so hard to get it? Study the interaction patterns and typical products for that particular target audience to make their habits their power. And don’t forget to check that all the icons on the screen don’t have a double meaning; support them with text labels where needed. Strive for the balance between innovation and traditions.

Narrowing the focus, we may also talk about the power of habit for a particular e-commerce website. You could have read numerous reviews of the “poor UX design” of this or that e-commerce giant, breathing fire and brimstone into old-fashioned solutions or complex navigation. However, thinking deeper, it’s easy to understand that they activate the power of habit as a major approach of respect to their buyers, as plenty of their customers have been with them for many years. It’s not because they don’t know how to change; it’s because, at some stages of business development, the cost of change may be too high. It doesn’t mean that the changes are never made; they are just not as revolutionary and made in small steps.

Product Page Design: Best Practices on UX for Ecommerce

Product page above-the-fold view on Etsy marketplace

Scannability and Skimmability

It’s already well-known that when coming to a website or app, users don’t usually read and observe all the content on the page or screen. Instead, they start with quick scanning to understand if it contains something they need or want. Knowing the eye-tracking models, Gestalt principles, and laws of visual hierarchy, designers and information architects can put the core data and interactive elements into the zones of high and natural visibility. Other factors making product pages scannable are readable typography and enough white space.

There are numerous things that have an impact on decision-making, and harmony is one of them. Eye-tensing color combinations, unreadable or not combining fonts, aggressive background, intrusive pop-ups or animations, annoying sounds, or pages loading for ages – any point of that stuff can spoil the experience quickly, distract users, and move them away, sometimes even without a clear explanation what they didn’t like. Details matter; think over them and organize them well.


First-screen view of the product page on George: due to the light, airy layout, the page looks clean and simple, but at the same time, it’s highly informative even at the stage of fast scanning.  

Dark, elegant, and catchy product page for the neon signs shop, balanced and scannable

Fewer Clicks

If going from page to page or jumping from screen to screen is not a part of the journey into the sales funnel, save every user’s click possible. Too many operations are tiring and annoying, which is a kind of negative emotion. And emotions have a huge impact on user experience and make retaining users much harder. Minimize the number of clicks on the way of choosing and buying whenever it’s possible – this way, you respect the user’s time better than the politest words of thanks. For example, avoid dropdowns for a small number of choices in basic options such as color or model choice.


Product page first-screen view on Sportsdirect website: no information is hidden in dropdown menus, so it’s super easy to scan the availability of models and sizes, the CTA is seen immediately, the number of items is changed easily by typing or manipulating plus/minus controls, arrows show how to see more images, and breadcrumbs help to jump back to choosing other items easily.

exotic fruit ecommerce app tubik design

Exotic Fruit e-commerce app uses a tab for adding the needed number of products with a simple tap.


The OldNavy product page integrates the section of offered combinations with other items from the website, and it is not just an image to get buyers inspired: on hover, the shopper gets the list of links to items with basic information, which enables them to easily get engaged in further shopping and makes the relevant product accessible quickly.

Social Proof

Social proof is a big factor of impact on the decision-making process in both the physical and digital worlds. It is a psychological and social phenomenon of people copying the actions of others to undertake behavior in a certain situation. This term was introduced by Robert Cialdini in his 1984 book Influence; the concept is also called informational social influence.

In e-commerce, the experience of the previous buyers influences the behavior of the next ones greatly; that’s why ratings, comments, and reviews are needed, especially on mass-market platforms. They help customers feel united with a group of similar buyers, which is easy to feel in the actual store among other shoppers but even more needed in the online shopping experience when you are shopping alone in front of a computer or mobile screen. What’s more, reviews can answer the questions the customer has and, this way, support the positive decision about buying – or prevent from buying the wrong item and having a negative experience.




Here’s the product page on OldNavy: the first screen view, among all other details, includes the social proof showing the rating of the item with the number of people that marked it. Scrolling down, buyers are getting even more engaged: except for relevant products to combine this item with for the perfect outfit, the page uncovers the relevant items other customers looked at and liked, and further customers’ photos and details on reviews.


With more and more buyers online, brands and retailers can analyze more data about their behavior, needs, and wishes and integrate new approaches on that basis. Interactivity that imitates seeing the item from different angles and manipulating it, trying on the clothing or footwear, testing the make-up options on your face, virtually placing the piece of furniture or decor into your room – all that and diversity of other innovations are becoming more and more accessible and affordable due to the creativity, customer experience care, and new technologies. And sure, they help customers to make a decision.

Another vital aspect of interactivity in e-commerce now is personalization and customization, when people can customize their purchase instead of just choosing it from the catalog. Choosing a custom combination of flowers for a bouquet, customizing the burger or pizza with favorite ingredients, collecting a personal outfit or family look instead of just buying ready-made ones – able to add their own personality to the offer, many shoppers feel ready to buy.

tasty burger app design UI tubik

Tasty Burger app allowing for creating custom burgers to buy

Mobile Adaptation

Needless to say, there are many daily things people do with their smartphones nowadays, and shopping is becoming one of the top options. Besides, mobile adaptation is among the core web vitals of search engine optimization. If you want an e-commerce website to be googled successfully and let the visitors have a seamless shopping experience from any device, make the product page mobile-friendly and reconsider the layout to make the interface convenient and navigable for mobile devices. Some e-commerce platforms go even further and also invest in creating their native applications for iOS and Android, but for many small businesses, it may appear not affordable or even not reasonable. Anyway, the product page, as well as the rest of the website pages, should be responsive and mobile-friendly, no matter if the native app exists or not.



Minimalistic product page for a fashion brand e-commerce focused on photos, easy choice of color, and responsive to be used on any device

404 Error

With product pages intensively used and often updated, there are different cases of running into an error. People can accidentally mistype a letter in the URL, or the page they saved before may not already exist as the product is already out of stock. Make sure not to let customers come across an empty error page and go away. Connect them to other pages, offer relevant options or categories, and do everything to take advantage of the error page involving a customer to check something else.

404 page ecommerce website tubikstudio

404 error page for a fashion e-commerce website

Bottom Line

Sure, the decision on the design practices to choose for a particular e-commerce project is a matter of thorough thinking, and the solutions on what to use and what to leave will be based on many subjective factors, from the type of product and market segment to the company budget, employers’ skills, individual tastes and specific needs of the target audience. The approach to mass-market e-commerce differs from the approach to a narrow niche. The approach to various generations of customers will be different.

Yet, all the practices mentioned above won’t work properly if the major condition of the commercial world is not followed, which is: the product should be good above everything else. All the other steps, investments, and practices make sense if the website sells quality goods and makes a website or app its channel of sales, not the place of lies and tricks.  Anyway, if the products you offer are good and the customer is already on the website, let the product page show the item in its best light and help the shopper to feel it like home, convenient, clear, and friendly.

Useful Articles

Here’s a bunch of articles to dive deeper into the themes of e-commerce, web usability, and user experience design.

UX Design for E-Commerce: Principles and Strategies

11 Profitable Strategies for E-Commerce UI Design

The Role of Branding in UI Design

Business-Oriented Design. Know Your Target

Product Page Design Inspiration: 17 Ecommerce Web Designs

Design for Business: User-Friendly Way to Profits

Two Types of User Motivation: Design to Satisfy

5 Basic Types of Images for Web Content

Web Design: 16 Basic Types of Web Pages

Error Screens and Messages: UX Design Practices


Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Product Page Design: Best Practices on UX for Ecommerce появились сначала на Design4Users.

Web Design Usability: How To Use Breadcrumbs https://design4users.com/web-design-breadcrumbs/ Fri, 21 Jul 2023 10:07:06 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=11893 Whatever beautiful and elegant a website is, whatever useful content, services, or products it offers, all the benefits may easily be ruined by only one factor: poor navigation. In this article, we continue the theme of web usability, this time to discuss breadcrumbs as an element of web navigation. Let’s learn what this term means, […]

Сообщение Web Design Usability: How To Use Breadcrumbs появились сначала на Design4Users.

Whatever beautiful and elegant a website is, whatever useful content, services, or products it offers, all the benefits may easily be ruined by only one factor: poor navigation. In this article, we continue the theme of web usability, this time to discuss breadcrumbs as an element of web navigation. Let’s learn what this term means, explore the types of breadcrumbs and best UX practices to make them work effectively.

What Are Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are navigation elements used mostly in web design and supporting users in a journey around the website. Due to breadcrumbs, users get aware of where they are on the website and can get used to the website structure easier, which means that breadcrumbs present a tool for better wayfinding. Yet, breadcrumbs don’t replace the primary navigation menu; they present the secondary level of navigation and increase website usability in case it has lots of pages.

amazon breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs on the product page on Amazon

Why such a funny name is used for this interactive element? If you think it resembles something from a fairytale rather than from design terminology, you are right. The term echoes Grimm Brothers’ tale about Hansel and Gretel: in it, the characters used breadcrumbs to mark the way home and not get lost. On the web, it works the same way: breadcrumbs visualize the path or the users’ journey from the perspective of the website hierarchy. That’s why they are also called a breadcrumb trail.

Types of Breadcrumbs

As for classification, there are three basic types of breadcrumbs:

Location-based: they show the visitors where they are according to a website hierarchy, usually applied to websites with complex navigation schemes consisting of multiple levels.

location based breadcrumbs example

Image source

Attribute-based: they show the visitors the trail of attributes of the page they are on.

location-attribution breadcrumbs scheme

Image source

Path-based: these show the visitors the trail of steps they took to arrive on the page they are on. This type is often referred to as less effective compared to previous ones and is not recommended to apply.

Why Use Breadcrumbs

Among the benefits of breadcrumbs as a navigation element, we would mention the following.

  • increased findability: the more complex is the website architecture, the more content it has, the better organized it should be to be found quickly. Breadcrumbs give users another touchpoint to the content and help to understand the structure of the website easier
  • fewer clicks needed: with breadcrumbs, website visitors can jump from one level of the hierarchy to any previous step with no effort and no need to take all the way back, which means it takes fewer clicks and transitions to reach the page they want
  • effective use of screen space: crafted well, breadcrumbs take a narrow horizontal line with plain-looking text elements that don’t need much space, so users get navigated but designers have no need to overload the page
  • no misinterpretation: breadcrumbs present the element which is hardly ever misunderstood by users: the behavior pattern for them has solidified through years and people rarely mistake this element for anything else
  • lower bounce rate: breadcrumbs are great support for first-time visitors or people that have no everyday experience of dealing with complex websites, so the more confident they feel the slimmer are the chances of them bouncing the page. What’s more, it’s an effective way of engagement for the users directed to a particular landing page: seeing it as a part of the bigger structure shown via breadcrumbs, users can get interested in jumping to other pages and seeing more.


Minimalist product page by tubik for an e-commerce website uses breadcrumbs to follow the typical mental model users expect and help them with quick navigation.

Design Practices for Breadcrumbs

Here’s a bunch of UX design tips and practices that can help to master breadcrumbs as a supportive and handy element of web navigation. Bear in mind that none of these practices is a cure-all to apply for any website: the examples below show you how different products approach this navigation element to cover their priorities.

Don’t use breadcrumbs as the primary navigation

The key rule of thumb for breadcrumbs is using them as an addition to major navigation. They shouldn’t be seen and used as a replacement for global navigation, usually found in the website header or menu. Instead, they support and amplify primary navigation.

Place breadcrumbs above the H1 heading

The most common place where users expect to find breadcrumbs and where they work effectively as a part of the general layout is above the H1 heading. It may be the name of the category, the product, the article’s title, etc. Sure, not all the pages have visually defined H1 headings; in this case, designers find the most appropriate place, typically in the top part of the layout.

For instance, on the George website, the product page features the classic approach to the breadcrumbs: they are placed right above the H1 heading, with a slight line used as a visual divider between them. However, on the category page, which doesn’t have an obvious H1 title, the breadcrumbs just keep at the same position at the layout, below the top navigation, and visual dividers help to clearly separate the trail from other navigation elements and filters.

breadcrumbs design examples

breadcrumbs examples george

Consider starting a breadcrumb trail with a link to the home page

Noticeable and easy-to-reach link to the home page that allows the user to jump to the website’s main page from any point of the journey is still an essential part of web navigation. Although more and more users are getting used to the pattern when the logo featured in the website header is clickable and helps to jump to the home page, there are still many those for whom this flow is not obvious. As the breadcrumbs let users quickly define the website hierarchy and their current position in it, it’s logical to start the trail from the main page of the website.

However, if there is a text link to the home page in the primary navigation, for instance, in the header, you don’t need to double it in the breadcrumbs.

As well, in the case of a polyhierarchical website, you may want to concentrate users’ attention on a particular level or category instead of sending them to the home page. For example, Uniqlo starts the trail from the name of the major category user is browsing at the moment, letting the logo in the top left corner do the job of moving visitors to the home page.

uniqlo breadcrumbs

Make the current location look non-clickable (or don’t show it)

There are two different approaches to the last item of the breadcrumb trail: you may show the name of the current page or finish it with the previous step, which means that the current page’s name isn’t shown at all. Whatever your choice, make sure that all the elements cover a particular goal and help users. If you suppose that adding the current location to the breadcrumbs is necessary to support usability, make it clear that it’s not clickable and thus looks different from the interactive elements. For the mobile experience, it’s better not to show the current location at all, as the screen space is very limited.

On the contrary, for all the other elements of the breadcrumb trail, make it obvious that they look clickable and are clickable.

breadcrumbs examples

Example of a breadcrumb trail on the Walmart website

Clearly separate the elements

One of the most popular separating symbols for the elements of the breadcrumb trails is the symbol “greater than” (>), which typically defines hierarchy and features the movement from the parent category to the child category. Other frequently used symbols are slash (/), right-angle quotation mark (»), and arrow to the right (→). So, designers do have what to choose from, don’t they? Some also separate breadcrumbs with the color putting them into the colored tabs that imitate the line of elements, each colored in a different shade.

Mind readability and white space

As well as for any text element, the primary goal of breadcrumbs is to make the information packed in written form perceived and absorbed easily and in no time. So, take care of making them highly readable rather than decorative. And make sure there is enough space between the elements so that it is easy to read them, visually separate the pieces of text, and click.

google analytics breadcrumbs

A clear and unobtrusive breadcrumb trail on the Google Support website

Show the website hierarchy instead of the interaction history

Unlike the fairytale characters who used breadcrumbs to mark all their way, web designers would do much more effectively turning to show users the clear hierarchy of the pages instead of all the way they got through to reach this page. Such an approach will always look more logical and, furthermore, will clarify the clear and simple path back for the visitor who could get lost otherwise. What’s more, in this case, breadcrumbs don’t work at all for users who landed on a particular page and didn’t take any steps yet.

As Jacob Nielsen mentioned in his article, “a history trail can also be confusing: users often wander in circles or go to the wrong site sections. Having each point in a confusing progression at the top of the current page doesn’t offer much help.”

Don’t clutter the page with too many elements

What if the breadcrumb trail gets too long? Sure, it won’t be good to overload the page, especially at the secondary navigation level. In the case of the too long breadcrumb trail, some of them in the middle can be hidden behind the ellipsis. But never hide the first and the last element so as not to break the logic.

In his article about breadcrumbs, Alex Zlatkus recommends not to let breadcrumbs take more than half of the page and think about such a shortening with an ellipsis inside when the trails get more than 5 items.

breadcrumbs tips

Image source

Sure, the final decision is up to the designers of the particular project. It should be based on usability testing, as there can be different creative design solutions that allow for organizing longer breadcrumb trails effectively.

Don’t emphasize breadcrumbs visually in the webpage layout

If you feel the urge to find a super bright and catchy solution for the breadcrumbs, consider refocusing that on the other object of the web page layout. Breadcrumbs are not the primer violin in this show; that’s not the goal behind them, so keep them stylish but moderate. No need for bright accents, bigger sizes, and impressive fonts – breadcrumbs should just provide the secondary level of wayfinding, not scream into users’ faces distracting them from more important things that solve users’ problems.

For example, the OldNavy website uses super minimalist and non-distractive breadcrumbs placed in the top left corner right below the header with primary navigation, this way sticking to a common left-to-right reading and scanning pattern. That makes breadcrumbs almost unnoticed when you don’t need them but easily found when needed.

oldnavy breadcrumbs

Don’t use multiple lines of breadcrumbs on mobile

The most precious asset of any mobile app screen is space. So, optimizing your website for mobile, take special care about that aspect: if the breadcrumbs trail is just copied from the website to mobile, it may take several lines, and this way snips off the big part of the limited screen space. So, by that, you get into the higher risk that some critical elements, for example, the name of the product on the product page or the introductory text, won’t be seen at once just due to the lack of space.

Don’t apply breadcrumbs to the websites with a flat or simple hierarchy

As well as with internal website search, breadcrumbs are needed and helpful in cases when the website has multiple pages and a complex hierarchy consisting of multiple layers. Breadcrumbs are common – and expected by users – in big e-commerce websites and platforms, media and news websites, blogs, and magazines covering a wide range of topics, etc. If that’s not your case and your website has a simple hierarchy, primary navigation will be enough to let the users effectively interact with it.

california-university breadcrumbs

Example of a breadcrumb trail on the California State University website

Breadcrumbs present the perfect example of how much details matter in user experience design for the web. Being far from primary and critical functionality but approached thoughtfully and crafted well, this interaction element can contribute much to making interactions easier and user-centered. Nevertheless, think twice and test twice before deciding upon them, as there may be more effective secondary navigation options to solve a particular task for a certain project.

Useful Articles

Here’s a bunch of articles to dive deeper into the theme of web usability and user experience design.

5 Basic Types of Images for Web Content

The Anatomy of a Web Page: 14 Basic Elements

UX Design: How to Make Web Interface Scannable

How to Design Effective Search

Web Design: 16 Basic Types of Web Pages

Directional Cues in User Interfaces

Negative Space in Design: Tips and Best Practices

Error Screens and Messages: UX Design Practices

From Zero to Hero: Look at Hero Images in Web Design


Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Web Design Usability: How To Use Breadcrumbs появились сначала на Design4Users.

Case Study: Synthesized. Website Design for DataOps Platform https://design4users.com/website-design-for-dataops-platform/ Mon, 13 Mar 2023 12:17:04 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=11393 In the era of information technology and communication, the ability to process, protect, and organize vast bulks of data becomes one of the key points empowering tons of processes and covering multiple goals. A new case study from the tubik agency is devoted to the product fitting the times. Here, we will unveil a bit […]

Сообщение Case Study: Synthesized. Website Design for DataOps Platform появились сначала на Design4Users.

In the era of information technology and communication, the ability to process, protect, and organize vast bulks of data becomes one of the key points empowering tons of processes and covering multiple goals. A new case study from the tubik agency is devoted to the product fitting the times. Here, we will unveil a bit of the web design and implementation for the innovative DataOps platform called Synthesized.


Synthesized is the all-in-one DataOps platform which is helping to solve one of the most challenging problems we face as a society—the use of personal information. Synthesized makes it easy for organizations that want to collaborate on sensitive data. It enables enterprises to monetize and innovate through their data and speeds up the development of data-driven products. In as little as ten minutes, as opposed to months or years, Synthesized’s AI-based platform provides data practitioners with secure and compliant, ready-to-use, high-volume, high-quality data sets.

Telling about the product’s mission and origins, the founders mention that from their time as Machine Learning (ML) researchers at the University of Cambridge, they struggled to obtain sufficient clean and regularised data fundamental to building predictive models or testing a hypothesis. With ML projects becoming more advanced, the complications were also growing in the attempts to get high-quality, clean data sets. What’s more, they found a gap between the developments of the scientific community caused by the lack of infrastructure to share data safely. So, they started Synthesized with a mission to empower data scientists with the highest quality datasets for collaboration and innovation.

The task for the tubik team was to create a user-friendly and attractive website that would present and promote the service, uncover its benefits, and set a quick, easy connection to its users.

Web Design

Traditionally, the design process started with discussions with the client to dive into the nature of the service, the business goals, and the expectations about the functions the website should cover. After that, the team went through the stages of research and analysis that gave food for thought on how to create effective design solutions for the objectives set behind the website. And then, the stages of UX wireframing and design approach started to let all the sides of the process be on the same page.


Let’s take a look at the general design concept via some of the pages designed for the website. The search for a color palette that would be effective and set the proper mood resulted in a bold and contrast combination flexible for various design needs. Another key choice to make was the choice of fonts which gave the elegant and stylish combination of graceful Canela as a heading typeface and neat geometric Gilroy as a text typeface.



As the dress-to-impress rule still works, especially on the Web overloaded with pages and sites competing for people’s attention, the above-the-fold part of the home page moved through several iterations to find the visual way to reflect the connection to the world of synthesized data. This way, we came up with an animated full-screen background with abstract patterns adding depth and dynamics to the visual experience. The minimalist layout of this part of the page is scanned in no time and features the core navigation in the header, prominent tagline, and small description text to give a short and concise message about the nature of the product, and a CTA button whose noticeability is supported with bold color contrast to make it seen at once.

Background color contrast is used as the primary type of visual divider, helping to separate various web page sections and this way, make content perception easier. The pages look information-packed but not overloaded due to mastering the power of negative space and well-thought-out data visualization. It is a highly essential aspect to consider in user experience design for products that are non-tangible and innovative, so they demand a lot of explanation which is challenging to imagine and hard to show.

website design synthesized devops platform

This page uses neat tabs with bulleted lists to present information about different features in a straightforward manner that is easy to skim and remember. The abstract background pattern reflects the idea of growth and gets animated to make the experience more engaging.

It’s easy to see from the pages above that one more aspect to consider in the design process was visual elements that would support text blocks. So, the custom icons were designed to support the consistency and integrity of the layout with informative graphics. Making them animated, we could also employ motion to attract visitors’ attention to particular elements and interactive zone, as well as add a pinch of liveliness to the web pages.

As mentioned above, balanced and attractive data visualization was one of the priorities in a project of such a nature, so this aspect was thoroughly thought-out, resulting in a range of techniques from graphs and code snippets brought to the common style to prominent infographic-like numbers presenting essential benefits.


The blog page design uses the uncluttered regular grid with one featured post on top. We also thought out and offered the design system for covers of the articles and resources, designed in a futuristic manner and satisfying both consistency and diversity needs.



Here’s the system of cover images designed for whitepapers and downloadable resources to be presented in style echoing the web platform’s visual identity.


The Company page is built around the animated photo gallery, which sets the emotional connection and adds a powerful human element to the presentation of the product.

As a number of our earlier projects, for example, Credentially or ShipDaddy websites, the Synthesized website was also implemented on Webflow. It enables both designers and the client’s team to effectively update the website in live mode and keep up with the speed of the company’s growth.

Mobile Adaptation

For any web project these days, the well-crafted mobile adaptation is not a privilege anymore but a must-have that makes the website look good and work well on any device convenient for the visitor, as well as have a significant impact on search ranking. Here’s a glance at how some pages of the Synthesized website look on mobile.

synthesized mobile-screens

Synthesized is the company we’ve still been collaborating with, so it’s not the complete story: new design tasks are being covered, new challenges are being faced, and that’s the amazing experience to go through the different growth and scaling stages together with the client, from the basic website to the diversity of pages, content, and functions.

Stay tuned; new design case studies are coming soon!

More Design Case Studies

Here’s a set of more case studies sharing the design solutions and approaches for some of the design projects done by the tubik team.

ProAgenda. Identity and Website Design for Golf Management Service

BlockStock. Brand Identity and Website for Minecraft Models Resource

Carricare. Identity and UX Design for Safe Delivery Service

Kaiten. Identity and Product Design for Food Marketplace

THT. Website Design for Electrical Engineering Service

Komuso. Website Design for Wellness Tool

Nonconventional Show. Website Design for Podcast

ShipDaddy. Identity and Web Design for Shipping Service

Illuminating Radioactivity. Interactive Web Design for Education

Lumen. Website for Museum of Mountain Photography

GNO Blankets. Branding and Web Design for Ecommerce


Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Case Study: Synthesized. Website Design for DataOps Platform появились сначала на Design4Users.

Case Study: Identity and Web Design for Niche Blankets Brand https://design4users.com/identity-web-design-blankets-brand/ Wed, 17 Aug 2022 20:10:17 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=10844 Time for a new design case study, and this one is all about ecommerce and web marketing. Today we are unveiling the creative process by tubik agency on branding and web design for GNO Wellbeing, the company producing and selling special weighted blankets that improve the quality of sleep. Project Logo, identity, and ecommerce website […]

Сообщение Case Study: Identity and Web Design for Niche Blankets Brand появились сначала на Design4Users.

Time for a new design case study, and this one is all about ecommerce and web marketing. Today we are unveiling the creative process by tubik agency on branding and web design for GNO Wellbeing, the company producing and selling special weighted blankets that improve the quality of sleep.


Logo, identity, and ecommerce website for the brand of weighted blankets

Client and Story

It’s not a secret that healthy sleeping plays a huge role in people’s physical and mental health, productivity, and creativity. GNO Wellbeing company produces special and well-checked heavy blankets that present a reliable and comfortable way to wipe out anxiety and racing thoughts and sleep better.

First, GNO weighted blankets were sold only via Amazon, and people bought the product quite well there. However, to reach a wider audience and increase profits, GNO founders decided to build a solid brand and create an ecommerce website to expand their sales. As well, they strived for a new identity that would be both modern and flexible for various marketing goals.

Logo Design

Traditionally one of the core tasks at the branding design process is creating a logo, and this case was not an exception. The client gave a clear direction set behind the brand message: GNO Wellbeing is the brand that helps achievers to get a good sleep that helps them to achieve their goals. They wanted the logo to be fun, modern, and youthful and wished to think in the direction of a symbol logo rather than a wordmark.

As usual, the logo design process started with the creative search for a general visual idea. What the designer had to consider was the flexibility of logo usage for a diversity of surfaces, from blankets and packaging to the website and social networks.

The first set of concepts played around letter variations.

Here’s the symbol featuring the letter G that covers itself. The curves and rounded corners give a cozy feeling. In addition, the covering gesture corresponds with protection from anxiety and sets the visual association with the blanket.


Logo concept


Label concept


Bag design concept

Another concept presented a curvy letter G with a wavy ending that refers to the flow of a blanket when covering someone.


Logo concept


Label design


Bag design

One more logo design concept was inspired by the folds on the blanket. Also, it referred to ripples in the water, which is associated with calmness.


Logo concept


Label design


Bag design

From this iteration, the style of the first variant was chosen for the further creative search direction to continue and dive deeper into searching for a proper symbol that would be both attractive and informative.

The new set of logo concepts offered a variety of symbols that could be developed and polished for the final brand sign. The set included both color and outlined options; most variants featured recognizable symbols such as a sleeping cat, moon, dreamcatcher, and some more abstract signs.



In addition, to get another angle of view, the graphic designer made the set of options for typography logos in different styles, from bold and minimalist to beautifying serif.


Having considered all the options, the symbol featuring a peacefully sleeping and smiling moon was agreed upon as the most effective for the brand goals.

So, this option was further developed as a brand sign for different goals. The choice of color had to be made, as well the designer offered two options for each color solution, outline and filled.


The choice of visual concept was made upon a beige outline logo symbol (variant 1) accompanied by a solid and simple typography part.


Then the approved logo was applied to the branded packaging and blanket label.






One more aspect to cover for the identity design was packaging solutions for branded candles. The minimalist and elegant solution for the candle with a branded cork featuring the outline logo and the readable label that used color marking for different scents and clear typographic hierarchy to let the buyer quickly skim the information.


Another point to consider was updating and improving the Amazon presentation as the company still continues using this sales channel as well. So, it was important to make the brand presentation consistent everywhere. We created new infographics for that goal that supported the design solutions for identity and web design.


Web Design

The website design for the brand had to keep visual consistency and harmony with the identity concept, let users quickly catch the message, review the benefits of the product, and make a purchase.

The web pages feature a well-balanced combination of airy light and deep dark backgrounds, high-quality visual content demonstrating the product outside and inside, clear visual hierarchy, readable fonts, and digestible information blocks, making the website scannable and eye-pleasing.

The website uses the sticky header to make the core links and cart available from any point of interaction.

Here’s a look at the home page. Its mission is to inform visitors that weighted blankets are not just regular blankets; they help people to get over sleep disorders and reduce anxiety. To quickly demonstrate that benefit, designers integrated custom illustrations that add a good mood and emotional appeal to the website. The information is divided into clear, digestible blocks in which background color works as a visual divider. The CTA button in the above-the-fold area echoes the color of the logo.

blankets brand design case study tubik

Home page for GNO Wellbeing website

Smooth scroll animation makes the interaction even more dynamic and attractive.

Except for the hero illustration featuring the peacefully sleeping woman and instantly setting the needed mood and atmosphere, there were some more custom 2D graphics integrated into the layout: a lovely sleeping cat character featured on the popup for subscribers and the section of reviews and original icons reflecting the benefits of the product.


Original icons visualizing the product benefits


The reviews section integrated into a cozy night-theme illustration featuring a cat character. 


The Subscribe pop-up window with the custom illustration of a sleeping cat

The product page gives all the details about the product, includes the video presentation, and allows for choosing the needed blanket and adding it to the cart. The light background, balanced and thoughtful use of negative space, instantly noticeable CTA button, and highly readable font create the solid visual hierarchy of the page and make it easy to scan and interact with.


The GNO blankets are made with premium materials. It’s important to tell customers about it, but it’s even more effective to show it. So, a special 3D illustration of the blanket layers was created to give an impressive visual presentation of that aspect.

The About page also uses contrast blocks to present the pieces of content. In the pre-scroll area, it gives a quick message about the brand message with a clear and prominent tagline in combination with the important infographic-style numbers about the company and lovely photo content setting the needed theme. This block uses a dark background making the photos look deeper and the tagline even more prominent. The next block uses a light background, first of all for the sake of readability as it presents the bigger block of text telling about the brand.


So, the website for GNO features three different types of visuals: photos, 2D illustrations, and 3D graphics, harmonically combined and balanced together.

Blog pages designed for the website also feature the same approach: they are airy, calm, and highly readable, with the careful selection of photo content that sets the consistent visual atmosphere.


To make the website usable from any device, the team made the mobile adaptation of the pages considering the peculiarities of mobile interactions.


In general, that was the case of tight and fruitful collaboration with the stakeholders to clarify the business goals and find ways to reach them by means of design appealing to the target audience and unveiling the benefits of the product.

Welcome to check the GNO Wellbeing website live.

More Design Case Studies

Tasty Burger. UI Design for Food Ordering App

Designer AI. Dashboard and Graphics for Service for Fashion Designers

Slumber. Mobile UI Design for Healthy Sleeping

Pazi. UX and UI Design for Vehicle Safety Mobile App

CashMetrics. UX Design for Finance Management Service

Bitex. UX Design for Stock Analysis App

Perfect Recipes App. UX Design for Cooking and Shopping

PointZero25. Identity and Website Design for Event Agency

BEGG. Brand Packaging and Web Design for Food Product Ecommerce


Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic and video content by tubik

Сообщение Case Study: Identity and Web Design for Niche Blankets Brand появились сначала на Design4Users.

How to Make User Interface Readable: Tips and Practices https://design4users.com/how-to-make-user-interface-readable/ Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:33:43 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=9889 Whatever interesting your story is, the reader will never know it if it isn’t packed in a clear and readable layout. This article is devoted right to this aspect of user experience design: let’s check what readability and legibility are, why it’s important to care about them, what factors influence them in user interfaces, and […]

Сообщение How to Make User Interface Readable: Tips and Practices появились сначала на Design4Users.

Whatever interesting your story is, the reader will never know it if it isn’t packed in a clear and readable layout. This article is devoted right to this aspect of user experience design: let’s check what readability and legibility are, why it’s important to care about them, what factors influence them in user interfaces, and how to improve them for usability and desirability of web or mobile user interface.

Why would you want to read about all that stuff? The reason is simple but big: app users or website visitors won’t read the content if it doesn’t look clear and digestible to them.

Readability and Legibility of Digital Content

Let’s start with the basics and define the phenomena of legibility and readability. Although designers often use the terms as synonyms, in fact, they are about different sides of content perception by the user.

Legibility of content is focused on how people see it and distinguish elements one from another. So, from this perspective, you deal with how people see the content on the page or screen, distinguish its elements and recognize them (for example, characters, words, sentences, numbers, etc). Based on that, we can say that legibility is more about the visual presentation of content that makes it edible and lets users quickly understand what is what on the page or screen.

As for readability definition, it’s easily found right in the name of the phenomenon: readability is the ease of written content perception. In its classic understanding, readability is the next level going deeper into the comprehension of the text content. It deals with the simplicity of words and sentences, clarity of thoughts, ease of consuming information, and the understandable structure of the text blocks.

Anyway, these days UX designers often give readability a broader understanding that combines both visual performance and clarity of the text itself: the term is often used to define how easily people distinguish different elements of text while legibility is focused on distinguishing particular characters and symbols in the particular words for specific typefaces. Whatever meaning you use for the terms, they are always united with one thing: how users see, scan, and read your content.

ux design scannable interface design4users

Factors Influencing Readability and Legibility

There is a number of factors that have an impact on making content legible and readable. Let’s review the ones that are directly connected to the design process.


As well as it happens with printed books and newspapers, in digital interfaces the background color has a great effect on the ability to read and distinguish both interactive elements and content. For example, similarly to physical objects perceived on different backgrounds, black copy shown on white or light background seems to be larger than the white copy on a dark background. The wrong color scheme may result in poor readability which in its turn leads to poor user experience: users aren’t able to scan the data, even more – even if the data is relevant but not readable, users feel the inexplicable tense struggling with the text or even miss some critical information.

Any color scheme may be readable enough if the designer studies the peculiarities of copy perception on different backgrounds and works carefully on the font choice. The nature of the content presented in the interface also plays its part: text-based interfaces aimed at reading as the core activity tend to use more color schemes based on light backgrounds while the image-based interfaces often apply dark backgrounds to amplify pictures performance and give them deeper look.

travel planner app ui design

Travel Planner app uses a light background to make copy content readable even on the go

tea club website design tubik

The webpage for the Tea Club website splits the screen with color and features copy content on the light background.

books for children website tubik

The page for a bookshop website is based on a dark background so the choice of fonts, their size, and contrast are different to ensure readability 


In basic terms, typography is the skin of the text content. The choice of fonts directly influences how quickly and easily users will perceive and decode the copy. Font size, width, color, and text structure – each particular point matters. What’s more, as well as images, fonts are able to add mood to the written message with their visual style. Typography in design is the art of balancing aesthetic text with the ability to read it quickly – and this game is not as easy as you may think.

In the aspect of making content clear, there are several impactful points such as:

  • white space (negative space): the area between elements in a design composition
  • alignment: placing and justifying text
  • tracking: adjustment of space for a group of type characters which form a word and text block
  • kerning: adjusting the space between two type characters
  • leading: the spacing between the baselines of text
  • line length: the number of characters used for one line in a block of text.


Working on the mentioned characteristics, designers tune the performance of text to make it not only eye-pleasing but also read easily. Not enough space between the words, too little distance between the lines or letters, too small font size or color that doesn’t create contrast with the background – all that stuff makes the text hard to read and creates tense for the user’s eye, although readers often can’t even explain what’s wrong. The balanced length of the line makes text bulks more readable and digestible for users. That is why designers pay much attention to typography issues in the creative process.


In the Nature Encyclopedia App the designer chooses readable sans-serif font to make the text easy to read; what’s more, for the charity pages, that feature more text, the background is changed to light. This contrast both enhances readability and marks the different nature and goals of the screens.

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is an approach to content organization that makes the levels of content priority clear. It is based on Gestalt theory that deals with the psychology of visual perception of elements and shows how people tend to unify the visual elements. It organizes UI components so that the brain could distinguish the objects on the basis of their physical differences, such as size, color, contrast, style, etc.

It’s not a secret that coming to webpage users don’t start reading all the content as it is, they start with scanning it. For example, when we see the article in the blog, we’ll get the headline first, then subheadings, and only then copy blocks. Does it mean that the information in the copy blocks has a low level of importance? No, not at all, but this way users will be able to scan the headline and subheadings to understand if the article is useful and interesting for them instead of trying to read all the text. And if the headline and subheadings are done properly and inform the user about the structure and contents of the article, this will be the factor convincing to read more. On the other hand, if users see the huge and long sheet of text, they will be literally scared as they won’t understand how long it takes to read the article and if it is worth investing their time and effort.

So, with text content, it’s vital to present information gradually. For a copy, we are talking about the typographic hierarchy which includes different elements such as headlines, subheaders, body copy, call-to-action elements, captions, and so on. To build an effective visual hierarchy, all the elements need to be segmented into different levels.

The primary level. It includes the biggest type like in headlines. It aims at providing core information or drawing attention to the key benefit.

The secondary level. This is the type of elements that supports scannability, such as subheaders or captions which help users quickly navigate through the content.

The tertiary level. This one is for body text and additional data. It features a relatively small type still it should stay readable.

Negative space

Negative space (or white space as it’s also called) is the area of the layout that is left empty. It may be not only around the objects you place in the layout but also between and inside them. Negative space is a kind of breathing room for all the objects on the page or screen. It was already mentioned above as one of the factors of effective typography, but it also important in general user interface layout to set the connection between the text and non-text elements. For example, the amount of negative space will help you to see if the text and photo are connected to one message like in the case of image caption.

Tubik studio UI design

The architecture blog uses negative space as one of the core solutions enhancing the perception of content in the web interface.


As we recently told in our article devoted to UX writing, the text content in an interface is based on 4 basic features:

  • clear (users understand what you talk about, the core message isn’t blurred or complicated)
  • concise (the piece of text is meaningful, laconic, and concentrated on the goal, no empty talk is included)
  • useful (the copy gives users necessary information or helps with interactions)
  • consistent (the copy within the interface of one digital product keeps the same style, tone, voice, and terminology).

The good thing you can do with the written content for users of the app, website visitors, and blog readers is creating an atmosphere of human-like communication. Make your interface, landing page, or email talk like a helpful and friendly human with a clear style and voice of communication, without trying to awe and shock the interlocutor.

Tips on Better Readability and Legibility

1. Be short and consistent in the interface copy

Decide upon the main terms and names of operations and use them throughout the messages and notifications. For instance, if you’ve selected the word “delete” to mark the specific action, use it every time when this action is meant to be done, and don’t replace it with “remove” for some screens if the action is the same. Ask users to “Pay” instead of “Make a payment” – that’s easier to scan, faster to read, and you can make one word look bigger than a phrase for the button microcopy. Synonyms and elaborate phrases are good for making language bright and vivid in articles or books, but they may ruin user experience making users find the connections between synonymic terms instead of just using the product for solving their problems.

2. Apply content personalization

One of the ways to personalize the user interface and make it closer to users’ preferences is by letting users change the color of the background and set a bigger or smaller size of letters. Such functionality has a great impact on making content even more readable as nobody knows better than users what is more convenient for them.

Color choice in UI design

Upper App allows users to choose the theme color that is the most convenient for them

3. Consider split screen for different types of content

Split screens got especially popular for interfaces based on the dark or bright background scheme. It features one more approach to proper readability: applying boxes or spaces with the light background for core data blocks, designers make the content more readable and add elegant contrast to the screen or page.


Watering Tracker App

4. Put one idea into one block of text

Working on the content in the aspect of scannability, try not to make the text fragments too long. Short paragraphs look more digestible and can be easier skipped in case the information is not valuable for the reader. So, follow the rule when you present one idea in one paragraph and start another one for a new thought.

5. Use numbers

Nielsen Norman Blog shared an interesting research finding: based on eye-tracking studies while users scan web pages, numerals often stop the wandering eye and attract fixations, even when they’re embedded within a mass of words that users otherwise ignore. People subconsciously associate numbers with facts, stats, sizes, and distance – something potentially useful for them. So, using numbers instead of text numerals, you influence the legibility and scannability of the text.


Website design for the environment protection community uses numbers as a part of the design layout and this way attracts attention to important data.

6. Don’t forget about the lists

One more good trick to make the text more legible and easily scanned is applying lists with numbers or bullets. They help to organize information clearly. Also, they catch the user’s eye so the information won’t get lost in the general body of the text.

7. Visually mark the key information in the text

Bold, italics, and color highlighting words or phrases in the text are old school but they still work successfully. This way you may attract attention to the specific data included in the paragraph. What’s more, the clickable parts of the text (links to other pages) must be visually marked. We are used to seeing them underlined, still highlighting them additionally with color or bolder font is even more effective.

8. Check the contrast

Contrast has a direct influence on the ability to distinguish text elements and read them quickly. Too little contrast makes the text elements coalesce into illegible spots, too much contrast causes eye tension and makes reading physically hard. So, firstly, remember about color theory that will help you to choose the palette with good contrast, and secondly, test the interface on different screens to make sure the contrast works properly in different conditions.

9. Play with fonts using common sense

Choosing the fonts, designers often want to apply something original and elaborate. Make no mistake: readability shouldn’t suffer for the sake of beauty. Still, it doesn’t mean that you should pass up the beautiful and catchy fonts: the typographic hierarchy helps to make good use of them. Sans-serif fonts are usually more legible while serif fonts look more elegant. Using a sophisticated or experimental font for a short tagline featured in big letters won’t harm the ability to read it quickly due to the considerable size of copy content. But if you choose it for long fragments of copy, the impact on readability may lead to poor user experience. Also, mind the color scheme: for example, dark background absorbs some part of the light from the other elements so there should be enough empty space between the elements, differently than it would work on a light background.

hiring artist website design_illustration

And this landing page features the choice of a serif font Domaine for the tagline. It visually reflects the style of the hero illustration. Yet, for the description copy block, the designer chooses a sans-serif font that is highly readable. 

10. Give the text enough air

As we mentioned in the article about negative space in user interfaces, if there’s not enough space between the elements, they become hard to read and demand additional effort. It may be a strong reason for eye and brain tense although many users won’t be able to formulate the problem. A proper amount of negative space, especially micro space, solves this problem and makes the process more natural. So, negative space directly influences the efficiency of typography on the page or screen. In music, pauses play the same role as sounds. In reading it works the same way: empty spaces placed correctly make the text easier to read.

11. Divide the blocks of content

One of the natural ways to divide the blocks of content is using subheadings or traditional dividers using horizontal or vertical lines. This way you let readers or users easily separate different elements and understand their interconnection in one layout. The negative space mentioned before also effectively works as a divider. Another way is by using images. It may appear not logical at first glance, but images do help to make the content readable and legible. For example, used in articles, they work as elegant and informative dividers that both illustrate the text content and separate different parts of it. With an image, you give users a brief rest from reading and even a long article may look not that overwhelming as it would without pictures. Illustrations, photos, and 3D graphics catch users’ eyes much quicker and are faster decoded than text. So, the images can work as directional cues and navigate users to the messages or calls to action presented in text form. Also, it’s advisable to make text harmonically work together with key images on the page or screen: this way they amplify the effect of each other.


The landing page for the Dance Academy divides the copy content into scannable blocks supported with images

12. Use the power of title case

Although there are hot discussions about using sentence case instead of title case to make the text feel more informal, for English speakers, it’s still a natural feature of the language that marks the levels of text hierarchy. So, consider the following tips about capitalization:

  • Use Title Style Caps to mark field labels, actions, menu items, and page titles
  • Choose Sentence style caps for longer copy such as page or field descriptions and tooltips
  • Apply ALL-CAPS moderately, only to super important items (short taglines, brand name, core navigation points in website header, short call-to-action text, and abbreviations like OK).

Whatever choice you make, what’s really important: be consistent. If you decided to use the title case for all the buttons, follow that rule through all the screens.

web design example

The landing page for the Health Blog uses all-caps for button microcopy and header elements, title case in the tagline, and sentence case in the description.

Sure, all the mentioned points can be discussed further and deeper and unveil more ways to enhance the clarity of the content on the page or screen. Still, hopefully, today’s article will become a helpful checklist that will help UX designers to make the interfaces not only beautiful but also easily readable.

Useful Design Articles

UX Writing: Handy Tips on Text Improving User Experience

3C of Interface Design: Color, Contrast, Content

Negative Space in Design: Practices and Tips

User Experience: How to Improve Web Scannability

Hero Images in Web Design: When, Why and How

Color Scheme for Interface: Light or Dark UI?

Originally written for Tubik Blog, graphic content by tubik

Сообщение How to Make User Interface Readable: Tips and Practices появились сначала на Design4Users.

Web Design Case Study: Website for Lumen Museum https://design4users.com/case-study-lumen-museum-webdesign/ Fri, 18 Dec 2020 11:11:03 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=9500 Man’s fascination with mountains has been unbroken since time immemorial. Today’s case study tells you the creative story about Lumen Museum, the charming place that gives this fascination a photographic home with breathtaking views and interesting insights. Welcome to see how the Tubik team designed their website to set a strong connection with the museum […]

Сообщение Web Design Case Study: Website for Lumen Museum появились сначала на Design4Users.

Man’s fascination with mountains has been unbroken since time immemorial. Today’s case study tells you the creative story about Lumen Museum, the charming place that gives this fascination a photographic home with breathtaking views and interesting insights. Welcome to see how the Tubik team designed their website to set a strong connection with the museum atmosphere on the Web as well.


Modern website design for the museum of mountain photography.

Client and Idea

Lumen Museum is located at the summit of the region Kronplatz (in South Tyrol). It covers 1,800 square meters dedicated to mountain photography: the 4 floors impress the visitors with insights into the history of mountain photography from its beginnings and the art of mountain photographers from different corners of the world. The museum harmonically combines history and innovations, interactivity, and exploration, covering the subject of mountain photography from diverse perspectives.

That what the museum team wanted to see on their website as well. It was important to make it modern and trendy but at the same time to preserve a strong and consistent connection of the physical museum with its online site.

The creative team from Tubik Studio assigned for the project included Vladyslav Taran, Denis Koloskov, Andrew Drobovich, Kirill Erokhin, Alexander Petulko, Dmitry Shevchishen, and Polina Taran.

lumen museum photo

Website Design

Here we welcome you to take a glance at the website we designed and developed for the Lumen Museum. Variety of elegant pages, smooth animation, engaging scroll, video integration, and other design solutions to present the amazing museum content online.

lumen-museum website

All the major pages of the website are based on a minimalist layout, impressive visuals, a light background, and mastered negative space: that makes them full of air and freshness and let the visitors feel it from the first seconds. Also, such an approach ensures that all the diverse visual content, from archive black and white photos to modern shots and videos, will look good on the pages.

The home page features the hero section based on the beautiful view of the museum building with an animated flow of clouds that makes it even more lively and atmospheric.

The typography solution didn’t feature decorative fonts; instead, the designers used the highly-readable and solid sans-serif font that becomes the foundation of solid typographic hierarchy. The website header features the link buttons for the core navigation areas as well as contacts and information about the museum address and schedule. The header is sticky so the user can reach the core pages from any point of interaction or page scrolling. The pages demonstrate the well-balanced mixture of static photo content, animated photos, and videos integrated into the layout.

The transitions between the pages are supported with an animated counter featuring the height of the museum location and this way it adds some entertaining elements into the process of switching to another page. Negative space works as a visual divider for the text blocks making the content look more digestible, well-organized, and readable.

The museum offers two types of exhibitions: Permanent Exhibitions, which are always available and have their unique performance, and Temporary Exhibitions that are operating for a limited period. While the pages for temporary exhibitions employ the same page template, the pages for permanent exhibitions all have unique designs that reflect the most interesting points and interactivity of actual museum halls.  For example, the exhibition page below features the organization and vertical animation of the photo collection that echoes the visual presentation of this interactive set in the exhibition hall of the Lumen Museum.

The consistent integration of video content allows visitors to dive deep into the atmosphere of the museum and feel its refreshing nature. The section of testimonials supports social approval while the simple and scannable footer offers links to different website pages. The webpages implement both vertical and horizontal scroll to allow for more diverse and informative interactions without unnecessary clicks and transitions.

The history page implements the horizontal scroll to build up a solid timeline of photos and concise text blocks guiding the visitors through the different stages of the location, the museum foundation, and development.


The airy calendar page invites the visitor to check the upcoming events and exhibitions: each item is presented with a date, type of the event, its name, the secondary text block for additional description or information, and a photo setting the quick visual association. A simple checkbox filter allows for tuning the list while the visual dividers help to clearly scan the structure and distinguish the items. This way the solid visual hierarchy is built to make the webpage scannable, readable, and eye-pleasing.

lumen museum website calendar page

Here’s an example of a webpage whose wow-effect is based on the animated image of a photo camera.

To fulfill the navigation needs, an original set of minimalist outline icons was designed for the website.


To make the website beautiful and consistent regardless of the device it is visited from, we also thoughtfully adapted it to the tablet and mobile versions.





This project for Lumen Museum was an amazing experience for our team and the story of the great collaboration with the museum team: altogether, we achieved the goal to create the museum a beautiful online home and connect it with its audience faster and easier.

Check the live website of Lumen Museum to see more details of design and development.

More Design Case Studies

Here’s a set of more case studies sharing the design solutions and approaches for some of the UX design projects done by Tubik Studio.

GNO Blankets. Branding and Web Design for Ecommerce

Designer AI. Dashboard and Graphics for Fashion Service

Pazi. UX and UI Design for Vehicle Safety Mobile App

CashMetrics. UX Design for Finance Management Service

Bitex. UX Design for Stock Analysis App

Inspora. Brand and UI Design for Virtual Stylist

Nature Encyclopedia. UI Design for Education

Perfect Recipes App. UX Design for Cooking and Shopping

Tasty Burger. UI Design for Food Ordering App

Slumber. Mobile UI Design for Healthy Sleeping

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение Web Design Case Study: Website for Lumen Museum появились сначала на Design4Users.

5 Basic Types of Images in Web Design https://design4users.com/types-of-images-web-design/ Tue, 15 Sep 2020 11:07:43 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=9252 “Content isn’t King, it’s the Kingdom,” Lee Odden said. We couldn’t agree more: without content design will be just an elegant wrapping. There shouldn’t be a fight on what is more important, design or content, as none works at full without the other. Today we invite you to review five basic types of visual content […]

Сообщение 5 Basic Types of Images in Web Design появились сначала на Design4Users.

“Content isn’t King, it’s the Kingdom,” Lee Odden said. We couldn’t agree more: without content design will be just an elegant wrapping. There shouldn’t be a fight on what is more important, design or content, as none works at full without the other. Today we invite you to review five basic types of visual content that users come across most web pages day by day and consider the benefits of each type. All the types are presented in various web design examples by Tubik designers.

What Is Web Content?

Web content is basically everything that fills the website and is the part of user experience. That’s what people read, hear, see, watch, and manipulate on a website. Based on that, the core types of web content are:

  • text (copy)
  • images
  • video
  • animation
  • audio (sound)

Today, let’s discuss the images.

images in web design

Images aren’t just a factor of beauty: in user experience design, pictures play an important part in building up usability. Most web users are visually driven, they perceive pictures faster than words. So, quite often images are the layout elements that are seen and scanned first. What’s more, they are informative and emotionally appealing, they transfer not only a message but also particular aesthetics. Also, images used on the web pages positively influence website SEO ranking.

Depending on the goals behind the website design, creative and marketing teams choose among different types of images. The following ones are the most typical to see on a webpage.


A logo is a key element of a brand, its symbolic representation. So, it is an obvious visual element of most websites that present companies, brands, services, communities, and organizations. Even personal blogs and portfolio websites often feature original logos these days.

In terms of web design, consider the following tips on logo usage in UI:

  • put a logo in the header – it’s one of the highly scanned zones of a web page
  • don’t break a well-checked habit: when users click the logo in the header, it takes them to the starting point of the journey. It may be a home page or up to the start of the page if it’s a single-page website
  • think of logo animation on hover: motion will add life and will be the prompt that the element is interactive.


Here’s a landing page for a cryptocurrency service with an interactive logo to add some fun and make the experience lively.


Photos could, probably, be called the classics of web design imagery. They are used for a wide variety of goals such as:

  • theme photos
  • demonstration photos
  • photos of the items (for example, on e-commerce websites)
  • title photos for blog articles
  • hero banner photos, etc.

The biggest advantage of photos is their ability to connect what users see on the web page with a real world of physical things and live people. Photos have been a part of human reality for many decades, much before the Internet advent, so this kind of visuals is sort of native, close, and clear for us. What’s more, with all those devices that let any of us capture something in a second, photography is really a part of everyday life for many people – so, being used on a website, it sets strong connections and associations.


Dance Academy landing page concept uses the prominent photos of dancers to set the theme.

tubik studio museum website

Museu Landing Page attracts attention and sets the needed atmosphere with beautiful photos

This About Us page for the cleaning company website uses photo content as a part of an engaging scrolling experience.

What’s more, photography is also a kind of art. With them, you can set the balance of realism and aesthetics in your web user interface. You can keep the necessary style appealing to your target audience and creating the necessary emotional background. This is one of the reasons for choosing photos to support articles on blogs and media websites.

the board news media_website_tubik

News Media Website

No doubt, photos are the main tool of visual presentation of goods on e-commerce websites where the principle “you get what you see” is a vital part of success.

home craft web design tubik

Home Craft Website

home decor website design

Home Decor Website

bartending encyclopedia tubik studio

The website for bartending encyclopedia with custom photo content to share the theme and present the drinks.

Where do designers get photos? There are several ways:

  • original photos taken and processed for the particular project: this is the most expensive option but the photos will have the highest level of exclusiveness;
  • paid stock photos: you buy a photo you need from a photo stock that offers a variety of shots. This may be cheaper than custom photo shooting but you may spend a lot of time searching for the photos corresponding to your tasks;
  • free stock photos: you take the photos from the communities or teams that share them for free. It is the cheapest option but you have to be ready that other people may do the same so you’ll have to think well about how to make your design original under these conditions.

So, it’s easy to see that the way you choose depends on a specific project, it’s budget and goals.

Anyway, even if you are the one who runs a blog or charity with no budget on visuals or if you are creating a design concept for your portfolio, free photo stock websites offer a lot of high-quality content now. Among them, the following resources are often used for good photo content:

  • Unsplash: it’s a community of photographers from all over the world sharing their photos for free. Photos are featured under thorough curation, so you won’t find trash there
  • Pexels: big bank of free stock photos on a variety of topics
  • Moose Photos: professional production of stock photos that work together and are very flexible for a broad content strategy
  • Pixabay: a huge stock of free images, not only photos but also illustrations and vector graphics.


The Gourmet website, an e-commerce store selling herbs, oils, and spices, applies photo content for goods presentation.

Using photos in web design, consider the following tips:

  • download high-resolution photos
  • optimize them for the web so that too big images didn’t overload the page – loading speed is a crucial factor of positive user experience
  • give the images enough air to breathe – keep the balance of negative space
  • remember about responsiveness and test how the images look on different screens and devices
  • don’t use photos as just a decor – let them speak to users, transfer a message and support all the other layout.

One of the popular design trends of a recent couple of years is using photos as a background image. This approach makes the screens visually and emotionally appealing. Also, it supports the feeling of the integrity of all the layout elements. On the other hand, it demands deep attention to contrast and legibility of all the elements which may be harder to achieve thaт in the case of monochrome background.


Big City Guide Landing Page


Another big web design trend this year is using custom illustrations for a variety of website needs. Made in various styles, custom graphics effectively support the quick perception of the information on the page or screen. They also set the solid foundation of visual originality. It adds aesthetics and beauty to blogs and websites we often read as well as broadens the creative horizons for artists.

That’s the landing page for a conference where illustrators and digital artists share their experience. Custom hero illustration and it’s animation make the web design catchy and original.

You may often see illustrations in

  • hero images
  • theme images
  • characters communicating with users
  • blog article images
  • rewards and other gamification graphics
  • notifications and system messages
  • stickers (these are especially popular for messenger apps)
  • storytelling
  • infographics
  • marketing stuff and advertising banners
  • visual markers of content categories.

Let’s check some examples.

home page webdesign

Here’s a concept of a portfolio website for a designer that specializes in projects for celebrities, entertainment, music, and film production. Dark background in combination with the custom hero illustration looks more vivid and sets the association with the atmosphere of a concert stage.

ecotourism website design tubik

Here’s the example of the website design for an ecotourism company, featuring impressive and atmospheric illustrations setting the theme and strong emotional appeal.

landing page UI design

Here’s the landing page of a digital agency that positions itself ready for the highest business challenges and goals. That message is quickly transferred by the strong link between the tagline and the bright hero illustration showing a basketball player.

graphic design case study

Here’s the set of illustrations designed for Florence, an online marketplace where self-employed nurses can find high-paying shifts across the UK. The original characters quickly catch the user’s attention, show the story, set the atmosphere, send the message and present the benefits in a way that corresponds to the tone and voice of the platform.

This is a landing page for the company that offers a full cycle of services for marketing and promotion. Custom digital illustrations enable storytelling with quick visual prompts about the nature of the offered services, set the mood with a vibrant color palette and support the integrity of all the parts of a page.


A mascot is a character, a personified image that becomes a symbolic representation of a brand, company, service, or even a public figure.

In web user interfaces, mascots can serve as an effective element of communication and interaction. Changing its appearance (for example, mood, outfit, activities, etc.), you can quickly deliver a clear message to the user. Mascots can communicate directly with the speech bubbles, provide visual prompts with various facial expressions, reflect the mood of the user with different graphic variations, give helpful instructions in tutorials, and congratulate with the achievements. All the mentioned makes the interaction with the system more human-like enhancing the general user experience.

Funny and super positive mascot animation integrated into the website design for ShipDaddy

books for children website tubik

Cute and friendly mascot used as a hero image for an e-commerce website selling books for children.

babysitting landing page

Originally created characters used as mascots for a babysitting service

3D Graphics

One more type of web visuals growing its presence this year is 3D renders. These are computer graphics created by turning 3D wireframe models into 2D images. Many of the images have photorealistic effects which is their big advantage for web design. 3D graphics may serve well in cases when photo content you need is impossible to get or highly expensive.

Web page design with catchy and impressive animated 3D graphics

Keep in mind that this kind of graphics demands specific skills as well as an artistic eye and taste. In addition, it is quite costly and time-consuming. Yet, well-done 3D graphics are highly attractive and convincing so they can have a great impact on web design looks and conversion rates.

homes of the future website

That’s a website of a company that designs and builds sustainable homes using solar power to get all the needed energy. 3D rendered model of a house allows users to see the photorealistic image of the offered service and even manipulate it to see the view in day and night mode.

Here’s a web design concept for the health blog with stylish and trendy 3D animation.

creativo arquitectos website design tubik

Here’s the website for the design studio specializing in exterior and interior design visualizations. The high-quality 3D graphics rendered for the page take the whole background area: this way the image immediately sets the theme and presents the company services.

book and travel website_tubik

This website of a booking service uses 3D graphics as a big theme image that takes the left part of the page and catches the user’s attention at once. Not only does the artwork set the theme but also makes the interface beautiful.

Why Images Should Be a Part of Your Web Content

Here’s a bunch of convincing facts:

  • the research shared by web archive Wayback Machine shows that people perceive images 60,000 times faster than text
  • psychologists claim that people need about 1/10 of a second to get a general perception of a visual scene or element (that speed is indeed impossible for textual items)
  • important pieces of information are often fixed by the brain as visual images even if they were obtained via text perception
  • images are less vulnerable in combination with the background and surrounding elements while the text is highly dependent on the aspect of readability
  • images have a tendency to stick better in long-term memory which means that dealing with the interface users will not need to process and remember more data than it’s really necessary, so interactions get faster
  • visuals in the interface can make it more universal in cases when an app or a website is used by people from different countries
  • pictures push the limits of perception for users who have natural problems with text recognition such as, for instance, the dyslexic or non-reading preschoolers.

images in user interfaces-tubik-blog-article

Useful Reading

Here are some handy articles to continue plunging into the theme of web design and graphics for user experience.

Web Design: 16 Basic Types of Web Pages

How to Improve Web Scannability

How to Create Original Flat Illustrations

The Role of Branding in UI Design

How To Use the Power of Mascots in UI Design and Branding

Negative Space in Design: Tips and Best Practices

Web Design: The Big Guide into Different Types of Websites

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение 5 Basic Types of Images in Web Design появились сначала на Design4Users.

User Experience: How to Improve Website Scannability https://design4users.com/website-scannability/ Wed, 20 May 2020 18:37:04 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=8957 Day by day we are overwhelmed with massive information flow both offline and online. Due to new technologies and a fast internet connection, people can produce more content than they are physically able to consume. Dealing with numerous websites and apps, users don’t read everything they see word by word – they first scan the […]

Сообщение User Experience: How to Improve Website Scannability появились сначала на Design4Users.

Day by day we are overwhelmed with massive information flow both offline and online. Due to new technologies and a fast internet connection, people can produce more content than they are physically able to consume. Dealing with numerous websites and apps, users don’t read everything they see word by word – they first scan the page to find out why and how it’s useful for them. So, scannability is one of the essential factors of website usability today. Today’s article explores the phenomenon and gives tips on how to make digital product scannable.

ux design practices

What Is Scannability?

Applied to a page or screen, the verb “scan” means to glance at/over or read hastily. So, scannability is the way to present the content and navigation elements like the layout that can be scanned easily. Interacting with a website, especially the first time, users quickly look through the content to analyze whether it’s what they need. Any piece of the content may become a hook in this process: words, sentences, images, or animations.

By the way, this behavior is nothing new: for many decades, people often do the same with a new magazine or newspaper looking through them before they start attentive reading of the articles. What’s more, reading from the screen is much more tiring than on paper, so users are more selective when and where they are ready to bother.

Why is that important? About a decade ago Jacob Nielsen answered the question “How people read on the Web?” simply: “They don’t. People rarely read Web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences”. Since then it hasn’t changed much: we aren’t ready to invest our time and effort into exploring the website if we aren’t sure it corresponds to our needs. So, if an eye has nothing to be caught with at the first minutes of introduction, the risk is high that the user will go away. Whatever is the type of website, scannability is one of the significant factors of its user-friendly nature.

How can you check if the webpage is scannable? Try to look at it as a first-time user and answer two questions:

– Does what you see in the first couple of minutes correspond to what target audience expects from this page?

– Can you understand what kind of information is on the page for the first minute or two?

If you aren’t sure that both answers are positive, perhaps it’s time to think about how to strengthen the website scannability. It’s worth investing time because well-scanned pages become much more efficient in the following aspects:

  • users complete their tasks and achieve their goals quicker
  • users make fewer mistakes in the search of content they need
  • users understand the structure and navigation of the website faster
  • the bounce rate is reduced
  • the level of retaining users gets higher
  • the website looks and feels more credible
  • the SEO rates are affected positively.

Gestalt Theory for UX Design Principle of Proximity in Interfaces

Popular Scanning Patterns

The vital thing which interface designer has to consider is eye-scanning patterns that show how users interact with a webpage in the first seconds. When you understand HOW people scan the page or screen, you may prioritize the content and put WHAT users need into the most visible zones. This domain of user research is supported by Nielsen Norman Group and provides designers and usability specialists with a better understanding of user behavior and interactions.

Different experiments collecting data on user eye-tracking have shown that there are several typical models along which visitors usually scan the website.



Z-Pattern is quite typical for the web pages with the uniform presentation of information and weak visual hierarchy.


Another scheme features a zig-zag pattern typical for pages with visually divided content blocks. Again, the reader’s eyes go left to right starting from the upper left corner and moving across all the page to the upper right corner scanning the information in this initial zone of interaction.

f reading pattern eyetracking

One more model is F-pattern presented in the explorations by Nielsen Norman Group and showing that users often demonstrate the following flow of interaction:

  • Users first read in a horizontal movement, usually across the upper part of the content area. This initial element forms the F’s top bar.
  • Next, users move down the page a bit and then read across in a second horizontal movement that typically covers a shorter area than the previous movement. This additional element forms the F’s lower bar.
  • Finally, users scan the content’s left side in a vertical movement. Sometimes this is a fairly slow and systematic scan that appears as a solid stripe on an eye-tracking heatmap. Other times users move faster, creating a spottier heatmap. This last element forms the F’s stem.

Tips on Improving Scannability

1. Prioritize the content with visual hierarchy

Basically, visual hierarchy is the way to arrange and organize the content on the page in the way which is the most natural for human perception. The main goal behind it is to let users understand the importance level of each piece of content. So, if the visual hierarchy is applied, the users will see the key content first.

For example, when we see the article in the blog, we’ll get the headline first, then subheadings, and only then copy blocks. Does it mean that the information in the copy blocks has a low level of importance? Well, no, but this way users will be able to scan the headline and subheadings to understand if the article is useful and interesting for them instead of trying to read all the text. And if the headline and subheadings are done properly and inform the user about the structure and contents of the article, this will be the factor convincing to read more. On the other hand, if users see the huge and long sheet of text not separated into chunks, they will be literally scared, not able to understand how long it will take to read this article and if it is worth investing their time and effort.

There are several main factors helping to build up the visual hierarchy:

All of them help designers transform the set of elements, links, images, and copy into the harmonic scannable system of the page layout.

bartending encyclopedia website design

Bartending Encyclopedia Website

2. Put the core navigation into the website header

All the mentioned eye-scanning patterns show that whichever of them a particular user follows, the scanning process will start in the top horizontal area of the webpage. Using it for showing the key zones of interaction and branding is a strategy supporting both sides. That is the basic reason why website header design is considered as an essential issue by not only UI/UX designers but also content managers and marketing specialists.

On the other hand, the header shouldn’t be overloaded: too much information makes it impossible to focus. The attempt to put everything into the top part of the page can transform the layout into the mess. So, in every particular case, it’s a must to analyze the goals of the core target audience, how they cross with the business goals behind the website, and based on that – what information or navigation should be put into the header as the most important. For example, if it’s a big e-commerce website, search functionality has to be instantly visible and is often found in the header to be accessible from any point of interaction. Whereas for the small corporate website, search functionality can be unnecessary at all but the immediately seen link to the portfolio will be crucial.


The Gourmet Ecommerce Website

3. Keep the balance of negative space

Negative space — or white space, as it’s often called — is the area of the layout that is left empty, not only around the objects in the layout but also between and inside them. Negative space is a kind of breathing room for all the objects on the page or screen. It defines the limits of objects, creates the necessary bonds between them according to Gestalt principles and builds up effective visual performance. In UI design for websites and mobile apps, negative space is a big factor of high navigability of the interface: without enough air, layout elements aren’t properly seen so users risk missing what they really need. It may be a strong reason for eye and brain tense although many users won’t be able to formulate the problem. A proper amount of negative space, especially micro space, solves it and makes the process more natural.

lumen museum website design
Lumen Museum Website

4. Check that CTA is seen at once

Obviously, the vast majority of web pages are aimed at particular actions that users have to complete. The elements that contain the call to action (CTA), usually buttons, should be seen in split seconds to let users understand what actions they can do on this page. Among the good tests is checking the page in the black-and-white and blurred modes. If in both cases you can distinguish CTA elements quickly, they are done well. For example, on the webpage of the bakery website shown below the CTA button of adding the item to the list is easily seen among the other elements.

Vinny Bakery Website

product page for gno blankets

Product Page for GNO Blankets Website

5. Test the readability of copy content

Readability defines how easy people can read words, phrases, and blocks of copy. Legibility measures how quickly and intuitively users can distinguish the letters in a particular typeface. These characteristics should be carefully considered, especially for the interfaces filled with a lot of text. The color of the background, amount of space around copy blocks, kerning, leading, type of font, and font pairing – all these factors influence the ability to quickly scan the text and catch the content convincing users to stay. To prevent the problem, designers have to check if the typography laws are followed and whether the chosen fonts support general visual hierarchy and readability. User testing will help to check how quickly and easily users are able to perceive the text.

dessert recipe website design
Dessert Recipe Website

6. Apply numbers, not words

This piece of advice is based on another investigation by Nielsen Norman Blog. They shared an important finding: eye-tracking studies showed that in the process of scanning web pages, numerals often stop the wandering user’s eye and attract fixations, even embedded in a mass of words that would be ignored without numbers. We subconsciously associate numbers with facts, stats, sizes and distance — data that is potentially useful. So numbers included in copy catch reader’s attention while words representing numerals can be missed in the bulk of copy. What’s more, numbers are more compact than the textual numeral, so it makes the content more concise and time-saving for scanning.

metal plant website design tubik
Metallurgy Plant Website

7. Place one idea in one paragraph

Processing the copy content in the aspect of scannability, try not to make the bulks of text too long. Short paragraphs look more digestible and can be easier skipped in case the information is not valuable for the reader. So, follow the rule when you present one idea in one paragraph and start another one for a new thought.

credentially blog design tubik studio

Article page design for Credentially website

8. Use numbered and bulleted lists

One more good trick to make the text more scannable is using lists with numbers or bullets. They help to organize data clearly. Also, they catch the user’s eye so the information won’t get lost in the general body of the text.

babysitting landing page
Babysitting Service Landing Page

9. Highlight the key information in the text

Good old bold, italics, and color highlighting are old school but they still work successfully. This way you may attract attention to the significant idea, definition, quote or another type of specific data included right into the paragraph. What’s more, the clickable part of the text (links to other pages) must be visually marked. We are used to seeing them underlined, still highlighting them additionally with color or bolder font is even more effective.

10. Use images and illustrations

In web user interface design, images are highly supportive in setting the mood or transferring the message. They are the content that is both informative and emotionally appealing. Original illustration, prominent hero banners, engaging photos can easily catch users’ attention and support the general stylistic concept. What’s more, they play a big role in building visual hierarchy and make the copy content more digestible in combination with illustrations or photos. People perceive images faster than words which is an important factor for increased scannability.

digital illustration design
Financial service website

furniture design project
Interior Design Website

Improving the scannability of the webpages, designers and content creators show real respect to website users. This way we save users’ time and effort providing them with organized, harmonic, valuable, and attractive content.

Useful Articles

Scannability: Principle and Practice

How Users Read on the Web

How to Make User Interface Readable

Scanning Patterns on the Web Are Optimized for the Current Task

Visual Hierarchy: Effective UI Content Organization

3C of UI Design: Color, Contrast, Content

Gestalt Theory for UX Design: Principle of Proximity

Gestalt Theory for Efficient UX: Principle of Similarity

Negative Space in Design: Tips and Best Practices

Originally written for Tubik Blog


Сообщение User Experience: How to Improve Website Scannability появились сначала на Design4Users.

Lean and Mean: Power of Minimalism in UI Design https://design4users.com/lean-and-mean-power-of-minimalism-in-ui-design/ Thu, 16 Nov 2017 12:19:09 +0000 https://design4users.com/?p=4452 When less is more: the article giving insights into definition, features and benefits of minimalism applied in UI design for websites and mobile applications.

Сообщение Lean and Mean: Power of Minimalism in UI Design появились сначала на Design4Users.

Simple doesn’t mean primitive. Less isn’t vague. Short doesn’t say little. Air doesn’t equal emptiness. Today we are talking about minimalism.

In the book “The More of Less”, Joshua Becker said: “You don’t need more space. You need less stuff.” Minimalism is often discussed nowadays in different spheres of life and work, and diverse directions of design are not the exception. Let’s see what are its benefits and points to consider.


What is minimalism?

Actually, minimalism is a word of broad meaning used in various spheres of human activity. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines it as “a style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme spareness and simplicity”. Being applied to more and more fields, it saves its core traits: meaningful and simple.

Minimalism as a direction of visual design got especially popular in the 1960s in New York when new and older artists moved toward geometric abstraction in painting and sculpture. The movement found its impression in the artworks associated with Bauhaus, De Stijl, Constructivism and so on. In diverse spheres of visual arts, key principle of minimalism was leaving only essential part of features to focus the recipient’s attention as well as support general elegance. Lines, shapes, dots, colors, spare space, composition – everything should serve its function being thoughtfully organized. Today we can meet minimalism in a variety of life spheres: architecture, arts, photography, all kinds of design, literature, music and even food presentation.

“A shape, a volume, a color, a surface is something itself. It shouldn’t be concealed as part of a fairly different whole. The shapes and materials shouldn’t be altered by their context”, said Donald Judd, an American artist associated with minimalism. Working in this style, designers seek to make the interfaces simple but not empty, stylish but not overloaded. They tend to use negative space, bold color and font combinations, and multifunctional details making the simplicity elegant. The line dividing simple and primitive is very thin. That is why not all the designers take the risk of trying this direction: some may think it looks too decent, the others don’t find enough ways to show much with fewer elements.


Architecture Blog

Characteristics of minimalism

Main features of minimalism often mentioned by designers include:

  • Simplicity
  • Clarity
  • Expressive visual hierarchy
  • High attention to proportions and composition
  • Functionality of every element
  • Big amount of spare space
  • High attention ratio to core details
  • Typography as a significant design element
  • Eliminating non-functional decorative elements

Surely, the list can be continued but even the given positions show that minimalism in UI sounds like user-friendly trend. Applied wisely, it helps users to see the core elements of the interface and makes user journey intuitive and purposeful. Moreover, minimalist interfaces usually look sophisticated and uncluttered bringing aesthetic satisfaction as one of the factors of desirability in UX.


Dance Academy landing page

Practices of minimalism in digital design

Today minimalism is one of the wide-spread trends in the design of websites and mobile applications. Main points to consider can be described in the following practices.

Flat design

As we mentioned in one of our previous articles, flat design became a great supporter of minimalism in modern digital products. The most prominent feature of this direction is applying flat 2-dimensional visual details as the opposite of highly realistic and detailed skeuomorphic images. Flat images usually use fewer elements and curves, avoid highlights, shadows, gradients, or textures. This approach allows creating images, buttons, icons, and illustrations which look neat in different resolutions and sizes. It lets designers enhance usability and visual harmony of user interfaces.

However, the terms “flat” and “minimalist” shouldn’t replace each other which often happens today. They are not the same. “Flat” deals with the style of icons, illustration, buttons, and other visual elements of the interface in the aspect of gradients, textures, shadows, etc. “Minimalist” has a much broader meaning and deals with the layout in general, its composition, color palette, contrast and all the techniques of visual performance applied to it. So, flat can be described as one of the design techniques applied in the minimalist approach to creating interfaces.

cafe coupon app ui design

Cafe Coupon App

Monochrome or limited color palette

Color is a feature of great potential in the design of interfaces as it can set both informative and emotional links between the product and the user. Designers working in minimalism tend to take the maximum from color choices, and in most cases, they limit the color palette to monochrome or minimal set of colors. This strengthens the chosen colors and doesn’t distract users with too much variety. Such an approach is efficient in interfaces concentrating users’ attention on particular actions like buying, subscribing, donating, starting to use, etc. Moreover, from the psychological perspective, the colors usually transfer particular associations and emotions perceived by users, so limited palette makes chosen colors stronger in this aspect.


Slopes Website

Bold and expressive typography

Typography in minimalistic design is seen as one of the core visual elements of not only informing users about the content but also setting the style and enhancing visual performance. Choosing the way of concise use for graphics, designers usually pay much attention to the choice of typography and never hurry in testing the pairs, sizes and combinations. As well as color, fonts and typefaces are seen as a strong graphic element contributing to general elegance and the emotional message it sends. On the other hand, readability and legibility do not lose their leading positions in the matter of choice.


Upper App

Choice limitation

One of the strong sides of minimalism in interfaces is enhanced user concentration. Being focused on functionality and simplicity, the pages and screens of this kind don’t usually overload users attention with decorative elements, shades, colors, details, motion, so in this way, they support high attention ratio and often let users quickly solve their problems and navigate through the website or app.

web design UI animation

Birds of Paradise Encyclopedia

Prominent theme visual elements

Working on minimalist UI, designers do not apply many images, but those which are chosen to be used are really prominent, catchy and informative. This approach results in the long and thorough search of the “right” image which would cover all those functions and set the required mood instantly. The photo or illustration itself has to follow the principles of minimalism, otherwise, the choice of the wrong image can ruin all the layout integrity.

Color Scheme for Interface. Light or Dark UI

Architecture Firm

Concise and intuitive navigation

Navigation in minimalist interfaces presents another challenge: designers have to prioritize the elements rigorously in order to show only the elements of the highest importance. There are different techniques to hide the part of navigation, but doing this, it’s vital to ensure that users will find what they need easily. That is one of the reasons why minimalist approach can be criticized: not being presented properly and tested enough, solutions like hamburger menus and hidden layout elements can leave some users lost in the journey around the website. Obviously, it is not the good ground for positive user experience, therefore every solution about navigation should follow the philosophy “measure thrice and cut once”.

Adding air and using negative space

White space (also called negative) in digital design is the term which is more about space rather than color. In minimalism, it is one more effective way of adding elegance and marking out the core elements. Also, in terms of monochromatic or limited color palette, white or negative space plays a big role in creating enough contrast and supporting legibility.

tubik studio ice ui website

Ice Website


Grid system in minimalist interfaces can be effective for making the layout look highly-organized, especially if the website presents a lot of homogenous content. Another benefit is that grids are responsive-friendly.


The Big Landscape


Following the philosophy of limits and simplicity, minimalism depends much on contrast as a tool of good visual performance. The choice of colors, shapes and placement are often based on the contrast as the key feature.

tubikstudio ui animation website design

Bjorn Website

Well, it’s easy to see that minimalism has a great number of benefits and presents a good approach to creating user-friendly interfaces. However, it doesn’t mean that minimalism should be applied everywhere: every goal should be achieved by the proper means. One thing is for sure: the more minimalistic is the interface, the more time and effort the designer should invest to make it clear and functional. Elegance and beauty of minimalism should support the global aim of providing positive user experience.

Recommended reading

The Characteristics of Minimalism in Web Design

The How and Why of Minimalism

6 Steps to Perfecting Minimalism in Web Design

Functional Minimalism for Web Design

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение Lean and Mean: Power of Minimalism in UI Design появились сначала на Design4Users.

UI/UX Glossary. Web Design Terminology https://design4users.com/uiux-glossary-web-design-issues/ Wed, 08 Jun 2016 15:20:53 +0000 http://tubikstudio.com/?p=1661 New set of UI/UX design glossary on basic webdesign terms. Explanation and examples of webdesign, responsive design, home and landing page, footer and header.

Сообщение UI/UX Glossary. Web Design Terminology появились сначала на Design4Users.

Perhaps you remember our previous issue of UI/UX Glossary dedicated to general terms of creating design with a high level of usability. We were discussing the difference between UI and UX, which are often confused, explained the process and aims of wireframing and prototyping, presented our explanations of icons and microinteractions.

Today continuing the stream we are going to provide some new entries to our glossary, this time concentrated more on web design elements and techniques.

Web Design

Web Design is a term defining design field featuring all the activities connected with the creation and maintenance of websites and pages both as pieces of practical interaction and the product with certain aesthetic qualities. The web design process includes the full cycle of production path from the initial idea sketched roughly in pencil to elaborate visual performance, information architecture, and updating design in the process of actual website use.

Web design as a term can also name the result of the mentioned activity direction, which means that this word is used to describe the structure, functionality, style, and appearance features of a website or a webpage interface. In addition, web design also can include content generation and management.

So, it’s easy to see that the term itself is very broad and comprehensive. Due to this fact, web design as a domain of human activity lies at the crossroads of many sciences and practices. Among them we should mention:

  • drawing and composition
  • painting and color theory
  • logic and schematism
  • analysis and statistics
  • visual arts
  • programming
  • user research
  • psychology
  • copywriting
  • branding and marketing, etc.

Covering diverse aspects of a website’s functionality and appearance, some designers work in teams every member of which specializes in a particular sphere while the others can work out different of the mentioned aspects individually. Anyway, in the vast majority of cases, web design is the sphere of digital products which have to be functional and user-centered. As famous American designer Charles Eames said “Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose” and his words totally reflect the idea of modern web design.

The authors of the book “Research-Based Web Design & Usability Guidelines” mention: “To ensure the best possible outcome, designers should consider a full range of user-interface issues, and work to create a Web site that enables the best possible human performance.” Working over a website, designers have to concentrate on such aspects as:

usability (the website is convenient, clear, logical, and easy to use)
utility (the website provides useful content and solves users’ problems)
accessibility (the website is convenient for different categories of users)
desirability (the website is attractive and problem-solving, it retains users and creates a positive experience which they are ready to repeat).

Here are some examples of web design concepts created by Tubik designers.

tubikstudio ui animation website design

Randomizer concept 

tubikstudio ui animation website design


website design concept tubikstudio

BRMC Website 

Home Page

The home page is the most popular name for the main page of the website. It is called home as it usually provides a starting point with many further directions for the user, containing direct links to the most important areas of interaction with a website. In other words, it can be also named the initial page or index page. The home page is mostly the start of users’ journey if they are directed to the site by search engines.

In addition to essential links to different website parts, the home page often contains a search field, basic onboarding functionality for personalized sites, different areas of navigations showing users diverse categories of data. It might also contain engaging welcome messages and copy blocks featuring a slogan and/or explaining the benefits of the website or objects it presents.

More than a decade ago famous expert in usability Jakob Nielsen wrote Top 10 Guidelines for Homepage Usability in which he said: “Homepages are the most valuable real estate in the world. Each year, companies and individuals funnel millions of dollars through a space that’s not even a square foot in size. For good reason. A homepage’s impact on a company’s bottom line is far greater than simple measures of e-commerce revenues: The homepage is your company’s face to the world. Increasingly, potential customers will look at your company’s online presence before doing business with you — regardless of whether they plan to close the actual sale online.” A long time has passed since then but a clear and user-friendly home page is still an issue of vital importance for an efficient website.

Home page is actually the basis of good navigation which is usually the core of a positive user experience. A messy interface and badly designed layout can become the reason for user confusion and annoyance.

Here are some examples of home pages created by Tubik designers.

home page landing tubikstudio

Comics Shop Home Page 



Landing Page

Recently we published an article devoted to the functionality and efficiency of landing pages. Let’s remember key points here.

Landing page in its basic wide meaning is the term used for analytics to describe any page where the user started his or her journey around your site, in other words, where a user lands on the website. However, today the other, more specific meaning is used much more often to define a landing page. Behind this term, people understand the special web page created for the presentation of the specific product, service, features, or options so that the visitor could get necessary information quickly and easily not being distracted. That is why the analysts say a landing page is in most cases of marketing and the presentation of a particular product or service is much more efficient than the home page. Home page can have too many options and getting through all of them to find the particular product the user can get distracted from making the decision, lose interest or even get annoyed.

Why is the landing page needed? As we mentioned in the case study about designing a landing page, it is easy to answer this question with a little metaphor. Imagine, you are going to visit, let’s say, New York, to walk around Manhattan. That is the dream of your life. Finally, you find the service which offers to take you to New York City fast and cheap. Great, isn’t it? You pack your bag, you charge your camera, you get up full of admiration as the dream of your life is going to get real. And then you are taken by those amazing people who offered you the realization of your dream to the entrance point of New York City. They leave you there to find Manhattan or any other place you want by yourself. How do you like it now? Who knows, perhaps you will be not so happy after an exhausting journey around the huge city looking for the place you want. Wouldn’t it feel great to be taken right to the destination, fresh and ready to admire and absorb positive emotions? Wouldn’t you as a customer be happier to reach your goal faster and easier? Sure, yes.

That is actually what a landing page does. When a person obtains the information from the outer source about the specific product, feature, information, or service and clicks through the link to its provider, sure, he or she doesn’t dream to spend a lot of time looking for desired product or page among all the links and information provided on your homepage. The user wants to «land» directly at that very place which will make it possible for him or her to get what they want as fast as possible and getting enough (but not too much) information to support their decision-making process. So, creating a well-thought-out landing page is really vital to strengthen marketing strategy and increase conversion rates.

In general, typical landing pages often have:

1) General idea of the presented object (product, service, activity, etc.) with the call-to-action element. Users need to be provided with a basic description of the benefits, preferably not too detailed but concise and useful. The aim of this element is to inform the user and provide a clear and noticeable opportunity to actively use this information via a call-to-action element which can be presented with a button, link, contact form, subscription field, etc.

2) Testimonials and signs of trust. People usually tend to trust more to what is already used or tried by other people and recommended as worth attention. Therefore, testimonials from clients, considerable numbers of followers in social networks, awards, and certificates can have a great impact on the conversion rate.

3) Description of the main features. This block of information can be used as additional information supporting a description of basic functionality. It supplies a visitor with more details about the product or service, its abilities and technical characteristics, its influence on life and productivity, and the like. It certainly makes the landing page longer and requires more attention from users so applying this block should be always thoroughly analyzed.

Here are some examples of landing pages created by Tubik designers.

Landing Page Animation Tubik Studio

Landing Page Animation 

tubik studio landing page design

Arts, Culture & Education Curation | Landing

landing page animation Tubik studio

magic.co landing page concept

Read more and review the examples on this topic in our previous article

Responsive Design

The necessity of responsive design is based on the audience you want to cover for your website. Would you like your users to use your site from any device and feel it positive, useful, and convenient anyway? Sure, every customer would be aware of the growing popularity of mobile devices. And in this case, we should say confidently: you obviously need responsive web design for the website.

The idea behind responsive web design (RWD) is that the content and layout of a website should efficiently adapt according to the sizes and technical abilities of a device it is opened at. For most users, these changes are so subtle that it is easy to say “ Hey, guys, this is the same site on my smartphone which I looked through yesterday at my desktop. Nothing special has changed here!” And somehow these words can be the great praise of designer’s work. That will mean that the designer managed to keep all the meaningful elements and general layout of the desktop version efficiently and at the same time avoid making the page or layout elements too small, hardly seen, or impossible to distinguish even on the much smaller screen of a mobile device. That is RWD in action.

Nowadays making the site non-mobile-friendly means losing the part of the audience that likes surfing and using the internet sources “on the go”. It’s vital to consider that this part of the audience is mainly the most active part, non-afraid of technologies, fast in browsing necessary information and options, easy-going in making internet purchases, and try new products. That’s why neglecting the idea of RWD can bring real loss to the product which otherwise could be highly efficient and bring high conversion rates.

In the book “Responsive Web Design” experienced designer Ethan Marcotte says: “…web design is about asking the right questions. And really, that’s what responsive web design is: a possible solution, a way to more fully design for the web’s inherent flexibility. In the first chapter, I said that the ingredients for a responsive design were a fluid grid, flexible images, and media queries. But really, they’re just the vocabulary we’ll use to articulate answers to the problems our users face, a framework for ordering content in an ever-increasing number of devices and browsers. If we’re willing to research the needs of our users and apply those ingredients carefully, then responsive web design is a powerful approach indeed.”

Creating responsive web-design for a web-product means making it pleasant-looking, clear, and functional in different sizing with optimal navigation that provides a high level of usability. This technique relieves an owner from the necessity to develop several versions of the site as it provides one site with fast adaptation to different technical conditions, so RWD is also generally cheaper than creating several versions of the site. Responsive web design makes the site flexible, easy to manage, and nice to use. Moreover, you don’t need to publish your content several times for different versions and it saves your time or human resources. If these are the features you want your product to obtain, then consider responsive web design for your product from the earliest stages of its design and development. In addition, you will get higher positions in the Google search engine as it supports the idea of RWD, so that is an important part of the general search optimization of your product. Therefore, it’s up to you whether to apply RWD for your web-product or not, but consider all benefits before making your decision.

UI/UX Glossary. Web Design Terminology

Read about this topic in our previous article


In terms of web layout elements, the header is the upper (top) part of the web page. It is a significant and strategic part of the page as it is what people see before scrolling the page in the first seconds of introduction to your website. Therefore, the header should be informative and provide the most important information about the digital product so that users could scan it in split seconds. Header is also the area providing a broad field for creative design solutions which should be catchy, concise, and useful. Headers are often referred to as “Site Menus” and positioned as a key element of navigation in website layout.

Headers can include:

  • basic elements of brand identity: logo, brand name lettering, slogan or company statement, corporate mascot, photo presenting the company or its leader, corporate colors, etc.
  • copy block setting the theme of the product or service presented
  • links to basic categories of website content
  • links to the most important social networks
  • basic contact information (telephone number, e-mail, etc.)
  • switcher of the languages in case of multi-lingual interface
  • search field
  • subscription field
  • links to interaction with the product such as trial version, downloading from the AppStore, etc.

Certainly, the list above doesn’t mean that all the mentioned elements should be included in one webpage header – in this case, the header section would be overloaded with information. On the basis of design tasks, designers, sometimes together with marketing specialists, decide on the strategically important options and pick them up from the list or add the others.

The choice of typefaces for headers and the background color should get under highly rigorous research and testing as the aspect of readability in the header plays a vital role. The user has to be able to scan and perceive this basic information as fast as possible without any sort of additional effort. Otherwise, you risk providing a non-user-friendly interface.

online magazine design tubik studio

Daily Bugle Online Magazine 

The design concept for a news website presented above features the header including the title of the website as a central element of the composition, two active links to basic categories of publications, a link to live mode, and a search field marked with a magnifier icon.

One more thing to remember is that there are different ways for a header to transform in the process of scrolling the page down. Some websites use a fixed header, which always stays visible and active at any point of interaction with the website; others hide the header in the process of scrolling. There are also websites that do not fully hide the header but shrink it in size in the process of scrolling, which means that they hide secondary information and leave only the most important elements of the layout active and available during all the process of interaction.

Another design solution that is quite popular in the perspective of header functionality is hiding basic links of data categories behind the hamburger button. It is called so as its form consisting of three horizontal lines looks like a typical bread-meat-bread hamburger.

hamburger button tubik studio

Hamburger button 

This button is usually placed in the header and nowadays it is a typical element of interaction. Most users who visit and use websites on the regular basis know that this button hides the core categories of data so this trick does not need additional explanations and prompts. Hamburger menus free the space making the interface more minimalistic and full of air as well as allow massive saving place for other important layout elements. This design technique also provides additional benefits for responsive and adaptive design hiding navigation elements and making the interface look harmonic on different devices.

Although hamburger menus still belong to highly debatable issues of modern web and app design, they are still widely used as header elements. The arguments against the hamburger menu are based upon the fact that this design element can be confusing for people who do not use websites regularly and can get misled by the sign which features a high level of abstraction. So the decision about applying hamburger button should be made after user research and definition of target audience’s abilities and needs.

Tubik studio UI design

Structure – Architecture Blog 

The presented design concept of a website has a fixed header that doesn’t hide while the page is scrolled. However, it follows minimalistic principles featuring brand name lettering as a center of the composition, magnifier icon marking search functionality, and hamburger button hiding links to navigation areas.

In one of the articles devoted to practices of header design, its author Bogdan Sandu mentions an important point that should be kept in mind:

People judge the quality of a website in just a few seconds and the second impression is something absent on the Internet. In conclusion, a website must be eye-catching else, it would be nothing more than a big failure.

Header can become a great help in presenting the essential data to the user quickly and providing a positive user experience via clear navigation. However, that doesn’t mean that every website needs a header. There are many creative solutions providing designs applying typical header functionality in other zones of the layout. Every case of website design needs analysis and research of the target audience for the product or service.


According to everything mentioned above, it’s easy to understand that the footer is the lower (bottom) part of the webpage. Footer usually becomes a marker of the end of a webpage. Also, being one more zone of global website navigation, in most cases, the footer provides an additional field for useful links and data.

Footer can include:

  • name and logo of the company or product
  • links to user support sections, for example, FAQ page, About page, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions etc.
  • credits to website creators
  • contact info and forms
  • links to company or product accounts in social networks
  • testimonials and badges
  • certification signs
  • subscription field, etc.

As well as the header, the footer is not the element found in 100% of websites. For instance, with some design tasks when designers apply infinite scrolling techniques, the traditional footer is not an effective navigation zone. However, in the case of infinite scrolling, the idea of a fixed footer can be also applicable and support navigation not losing this area. It should be said that for most users footer is a common place of looking for contact information, credits, and sitemaps, so playing on this habit can be beneficial and a fixed footer can become a good way in the case when the page has a long scrolling area. The decision on using a footer is always based on the idea of effective usability. Anyway, if the footer is applied it should get in harmonic combination with all the other design solutions of the website layout and support general stylistic concept.

In the review of effective footer designs, Nathan Leigh Davis and the Creative Bloq team emphasize: “Designing a great footer is not about finding the best way to layout a lot of unrelated content, but the ability to prioritize and disregard unnecessary or superfluous information.” First of all, the footer should provide information support and in this way strengthen the chances of positive user experience.”

The new set of our design glossary is ready for those who need it and we are going to continue this practice before long. Don’t miss the new sets in which we are going to tell more about the types and functions of buttons, menus, and other interactive elements of user interfaces. New definitions are coming soon!

Useful Design Articles

UX Writing: Handy Tips on Text Improving User Experience

How to Design Effective Search

Web Design: 16 Basic Types of Web Pages

3C of Interface Design: Color, Contrast, Content

Negative Space in Design: Practices and Tips

User Experience: How to Improve Web Scannability

Hero Images in Web Design: When, Why and How

Color Scheme for Interface: Light or Dark UI?

Originally written for Tubik Blog

Сообщение UI/UX Glossary. Web Design Terminology появились сначала на Design4Users.
